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This sample shows how to capture Firebase Analytics and Crashlytics metrics in your Oculus app


Install Firebase

  1. Before enabling this sample, please follow steps 1 through 4 oulined in the article "Add Firebase to your Unity project". Step 5 is not required as it is included in the sample code.

  2. From the firebase_unity_sdk that you downloaded, import dotnet4/FirebaseAnalytics.unitypackage and dotnet4/FirebaseCrashlytics.unitypackage

  3. Make sure to enable the Android Auto-Resolver if prompted

  4. Replace the template google-services.json with your own

Enable Project Code

Once Firebase Analytics and Crashlytics are added to the project, enable the sample code through the Oculus menu: Oculus > Samples > Firebase > Enable Firebase Sample

Allow 'unsafe'

In order to force a crash, the Crashlytics sample makes use of C#'s unsafe keyword. This is prohibited by default, you'll have to enable it in the player settings: Edit > Project Settings... > Player > Android settings > Allow 'unsafe' code

Build and Run

At this point you should be able to open the sample scene and trigger some events and crashes, which will show up in your Firebase console.