Heroes_of_Hiis/Assets/Polaris - Low Poly Ecosystem/Polaris - Low Poly Terrain .../Editor/Resources/HelpDatabase.asset

1069 lines
43 KiB

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- id: 1
category: 0
question: What is Polaris?
answer: "Polaris is a complete solution for creating stunning large scale stylized
environment, especially built for Unity developer. This is a must-have asset
which saves you thousands hours of work and tons of effort, give you more time
and resources to focus on other aspects of you game.\r"
links: []
- id: 2
category: 0
question: How to contact the developer for support?
answer: 'For support, report a bug or request a feature, please contact: support@pinwheel.studio'
- displayText: Send an email
link: mailto:support@pinwheel.studio?subject=[POLARIS%20V2]%20SHORT_QUESTION&body=DETAIL_QUESTION
- id: 3
category: 0
question: How to contact the developer for business?
answer: "For business, please contact: hello@pinwheel.studio\r"
- displayText: Send an email
link: mailto:hello@pinwheel.studio?subject=[POLARIS%20V2]%20SHORT_QUESTION&body=DETAIL_QUESTION
- id: 4
category: 0
question: What's new in v2.0.0?
answer: This is the initial release, everything is new!
links: []
- id: 5
category: 0
question: What is the different between Polaris and other low poly terrain tools?
answer: "Different from other stylized terrain engine, Polaris is the first one
which support for multi-terrains editing, empowered by GPU technologies, providing
the smoothest experience. It also give you the most flexible workflow by combining
the traditional sculpting or the modern procedural method, or somewhere in
links: []
- id: 6
category: 0
question: Does terrain generated with Polaris run well on mobile platform?
answer: Absolutely!
links: []
- id: 7
category: 0
question: Can I use Polaris sample assets in my commercial project?
answer: Yes, you can!
links: []
- id: 8
category: 0
question: Getting started with Polaris V2.
answer: 'Polaris terrains consist of 2 main parts, the terrain component and
the terrain data container, where the terrain component responsible for generate
geometry, assign material properties, render trees, etc.
Terrain tools
are built separately from the terrain component, including: Group Tool, Paint
Tool, Stamp Tool, Spline Tool, etc.
It support for a wide variety of
shading styles, so set up material correctly is very important for some terrain
tools to work! The Wizard can do this automatically when you create your terrain.
order to support for multi-terrains editing, some properties like Splat textures
and Foliage prototypes are stored as separate assets instead of bounding to
a single terrain.'
- displayText: Learn more.
link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1LQooyrEl2S5qP3w2cvX0RYy1CQvUs6mIBACJ8wNhSnE/edit#heading=h.wos6f9aayczp
- id: 9
category: 0
question: Frequently used editor menus.
answer: "You can easily find Polaris functionality in these editor menus:\r\n-
<b>Assets>Create>Polaris>\u2026</b>: Create Polaris specific assets like Terrain
Data, Splat Prototypes Group, Foliage Prototypes Group, etc.\r\n- <b>GameObject>Create>3D
Object>Polaris>...</b>: Create terrains and terrain tools in the scene.\r\n-
<b>Window>Polaris>...</b>: Open additional editor window or configure Polaris
global settings."
links: []
- id: 10
category: 0
question: Where can I find more learning resources of this tool?
answer: You can visit the Online Manual, or our YouTube channel for tutorial,
time lapsed videos.
- displayText: Online Manual
link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1LQooyrEl2S5qP3w2cvX0RYy1CQvUs6mIBACJ8wNhSnE/edit?usp=sharing
- displayText: YouTube Channel
link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCebwuk5CfIe5kolBI9nuBTg
- id: 11
category: 0
question: Where is the global settings of Polaris V2?
answer: You can edit the global settings of this tool by select <b>Window>Polaris>Project>Settings</b>.
links: []
- id: 12
category: 0
question: How to turn on/off Live Preview?
answer: You can turn on/off Live Preview of terrain tools by checking the Live
Preview option in the Inspector of each tool, or toggle it globally by checking
the Show Live Preview option in Polaris Settings <b>(Window>Polaris>Project>Settings)</b>.
links: []
- id: 13
category: 0
question: How to show/hide terrain chunk game objects in the Hierarchy?
answer: Go to <b>Window>Polaris>Project>Settings</b>, in the Inspector, check/uncheck
the <b>Show Geometry Chunk</b> option.
links: []
- id: 14
category: 0
question: How to change LODs transition distribution of my terrain?
answer: 'Go to Polaris Settings and edit the <b>Lod Transition</b> curve in the
Inspector, then regenerate the terrain.
This action will affect every
terrains in your project.'
links: []
- id: 15
category: 0
question: How to change the default settings for each newly created terrain?
answer: Go to Polaris Settings, expand the <b>Terrain Data Default</b> section,
you can find the default values defined here. For detail on each value, please
see the Manual.
- displayText: Online Manual
link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1LQooyrEl2S5qP3w2cvX0RYy1CQvUs6mIBACJ8wNhSnE/edit#bookmark=id.kpazk1c7vyz4
- id: 16
category: 0
question: How to change the default settings for terrain tools?
answer: Go to Polaris Settings, you can see the default settings for each tool
links: []
- id: 17
category: 0
question: What would happen if I delete the Polaris Settings asset?
answer: <b>DON'T DO THAT!</b> Otherwise you will mess the whole system up!
links: []
- id: 18
category: 0
question: Is there any high quality low poly, stylized asset I can use to build
my scene?
answer: 'We have many asset suggestions to use with this tool. All of them are
high quality.
Go to <b>Window>Polaris>Explore>...</b> to find them,
or use the links below.'
- displayText: Assets from Pinwheel
link: https://assetstore.unity.com/publishers/17305?aid=1100l3QbW&Pubref=polaris2editor
- displayText: Vegetation assets
link: https://assetstore.unity.com/lists/stylized-vegetation-120082?aid=1100l3QbW&Pubref=polaris2editor
- displayText: Rock and props assets
link: https://assetstore.unity.com/lists/stylized-rock-props-120083?aid=1100l3QbW&Pubref=polaris2editor
- displayText: Water assets
link: https://assetstore.unity.com/lists/stylized-water-120085?aid=1100l3QbW&Pubref=polaris2editor
- displayText: Sky and ambient assets
link: https://assetstore.unity.com/lists/stylized-sky-and-ambient-120088?aid=1100l3QbW&Pubref=polaris2editor
- displayText: Character assets
link: https://assetstore.unity.com/lists/stylized-character-120084?aid=1100l3QbW&Pubref=polaris2editor
- id: 19
category: 0
question: How to upgrade my terrain to use Lightweight Render Pipeline (LWRP)?
answer: 'Do the following steps to upgrade to LWRP:
1. Import related
packages: Open the Package Manager and import <b>Lightweight RP (com.unity.render-pipeline.lightweight)</b>
and <b>Shader Graph (com.unity.shadergraph)</b>.
2. Re-configure Polaris:
go to <b>Window>Polaris>Project>Update Dependencies</b>
3. Update terrain
material: Select an appropriate terrain shader, they are provided under <b>Polaris/LWRP/Terrain/...</b>
shader group. Newly created terrain will be configure automatically by the
4. Update tree billboard material: Use the <b>Polaris/LWRP/Foliage/TreeBillboard</b>
shader for your Billboard asset material.
5. Update 3rd parties art
assets material: Use shaders provided under <b>Lightweight Render Pipeline/...</b>
- displayText: Learn more.
link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1LQooyrEl2S5qP3w2cvX0RYy1CQvUs6mIBACJ8wNhSnE/edit#heading=h.u98e37tgk5kx
- id: 20
category: 0
question: How to upgrade my terrain to use High Definition Render Pipeline (HDRP)?
answer: The High Definition Render Pipeline (HDRP) is not supported yet. This
feature will be added until HDRP is out of preview.
links: []
- id: 21
category: 0
question: How to create a new terrain?
answer: 'Go to <b>GameObject>3D Object>Polaris>Stylized Terrain (Wizard)</b>,
this will bring up a window for material config. Depend on your project, select
an appropriate Lighting Model and Texturing Model, then click Create.
terrain game object should appear in the Hierarchy, and your terrain data with
related stuffs will appear in the <b>Assets/</b> directory.'
- displayText: Learn more.
link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1LQooyrEl2S5qP3w2cvX0RYy1CQvUs6mIBACJ8wNhSnE/edit#heading=h.bzz4mwzhr8w5
- id: 22
category: 0
question: Where is my Terrain Data stored?
answer: After created, you terrain data asset will be stored in <b>Assets/</b>
directory with some related stuffs. You can move them to other directory for
better organization.
links: []
- id: 23
category: 0
question: What do Geometry properties mean?
answer: To learn more about Geometry properties, click the link below.
- displayText: Online Manual
link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1LQooyrEl2S5qP3w2cvX0RYy1CQvUs6mIBACJ8wNhSnE/edit#bookmark=id.jd7837nv2rli
- id: 24
category: 0
question: What do Shading properties mean?
answer: To learn more about Shading properties, click the link below.
- displayText: Online Manual
link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1LQooyrEl2S5qP3w2cvX0RYy1CQvUs6mIBACJ8wNhSnE/edit#bookmark=id.jd7837nv2rli
- id: 25
category: 0
question: What do Rendering properties mean?
answer: To learn more about Rendering properties, click the link below.
- displayText: Online Manual
link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1LQooyrEl2S5qP3w2cvX0RYy1CQvUs6mIBACJ8wNhSnE/edit#bookmark=id.jd7837nv2rli
- id: 26
category: 0
question: What do Foliage properties mean?
answer: To learn more about Foliage properties, click the link below.
- displayText: Online Manual
link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1LQooyrEl2S5qP3w2cvX0RYy1CQvUs6mIBACJ8wNhSnE/edit#bookmark=id.f6p2gwpxaut5
- id: 27
category: 0
question: What do General properties mean?
answer: To learn more about General properties, click the link below.
- displayText: Online Manual
link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1LQooyrEl2S5qP3w2cvX0RYy1CQvUs6mIBACJ8wNhSnE/edit#bookmark=id.f6p2gwpxaut5
- id: 28
category: 0
question: How to connect terrains together?
answer: "Select a terrain, in the Inspector, under General foldout, you can see
4 slot corresponding to its 4 neighbors. \nAssign the neighbor into appropriate
slot.\nNote that linking them on a single terrain is not enough, you have to
link them on both side."
links: []
- id: 29
category: 1
question: My geometry seam across terrains doesn't match up, how to fix it?
answer: 'To match geometry seam across terrains in the scene, you have to link
them together, then re-generate them.
Moreover, some geometry properties
must be identical between them:
- Width
- Height
- Length
Mesh Base Resolution
- Mesh Resolution
- Chunk Grid Size
should use Group Tool to manage these properties easier.'
- displayText: How to connect terrains together?
link: ~How to connect terrain together?
- displayText: How to use Group Tool?
link: ~How to use Group Tool?
- id: 30
category: 0
question: What is terrain Group Id?
answer: "It is an integer number to group terrains in the scene. This will affect
how terrain tools work. For example you can have terrains in the play area
with Group Id 0, and terrain in the background with Group Id 1, etc.\r"
links: []
- id: 31
category: 1
question: How to save some storage memory of Terrain Data?
answer: 'It is important to optimize your memory usage. For Terrain Data, you
can save some megabytes by reducing the resolution of unused maps.
example, if your shading model is Lambert Gradient Lookup, then the following
map maybe unused:
- Metallic Map
- Splat Control Maps
the resolution of these maps to its lowest value (32).
instead of having a super high resolution of height map, such as 4k, which
doesn''t make sense with low poly, we can reduce it to somewhere around 512
or 1024.'
links: []
- id: 32
category: 0
question: What kind of data is packed in the Height Map?
answer: 'Polaris V2 combined several geometrical infomation in a single height
map to optimize data storage and sampling speed. Each channel in the Height
Map represent different things:
- RG: normalized height value, encoded.
B: additional subdivision level. (G value of 0.1 equals to 1 step of subdivision).
A: visibility value, polygon with this value higher than 0.5 will be strip
links: []
- id: 33
category: 0
question: How to create a Splat Prototypes Group?
answer: Go to <b>Assets>Create>Polaris>Splat Prototypes Group</b> and give the
asset an appropriate name. Select the asset, in the Inspector, try drop a texture
into the selector box, you should see the prototype appear.
- displayText: Learn more.
link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1LQooyrEl2S5qP3w2cvX0RYy1CQvUs6mIBACJ8wNhSnE/edit#heading=h.ub8ldu9so77
- displayText: Setting up terrain for Splat painting.
link: ~Setting up terrain for Splat painting
- id: 34
category: 0
question: How to create a Tree Prototypes Group?
answer: Go to <b>Assets>Create>Polaris>Tree Prototypes Group</b> and give the
asset an appropriate name. Select the asset, in the Inspector, try drop a prefab
into the selector box, you should see the prototype appear.
- displayText: Learn more.
link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1LQooyrEl2S5qP3w2cvX0RYy1CQvUs6mIBACJ8wNhSnE/edit#heading=h.ft36k6vrb5pg
- displayText: Setting up terrain for Tree painting.
link: ~Setting up terrain for Tree painting
- id: 35
category: 0
question: How to create a Grass Prototypes Group?
answer: Go to <b>Assets>Create>Polaris>Grass Prototypes Group</b> and give the
asset an appropriate name. Select the asset, in the Inspector, try drop a grass
texture into the selector box, you should see the prototype appear.
- displayText: Learn more.
link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1LQooyrEl2S5qP3w2cvX0RYy1CQvUs6mIBACJ8wNhSnE/edit#heading=h.ddi7l7ag8rvo
- displayText: Setting up terrain for Grass painting.
link: ~Setting up terrain for Grass painting
- id: 36
category: 4
question: How to create a Billboard Asset?
answer: 'Polaris comes with a handy Billboard Asset creator to use with tree
rendering. Go to <b>Window>Polaris>Tools>Billboard Creator</b> to open the
- displayText: Learn more.
link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1LQooyrEl2S5qP3w2cvX0RYy1CQvUs6mIBACJ8wNhSnE/edit#heading=h.lpjmpvn8ugzc
- id: 37
category: 4
question: What is a Billboard Asset?
answer: 'Billboard Asset describes how a billboard is rendered.
are a level-of-detail (LOD) method of drawing complicated 3D objects in a simpler
manner if they are further away.
For more infomation, please visit Unity
- displayText: Unity Documentation.
link: https://docs.unity3d.com/ScriptReference/BillboardAsset.html
- id: 38
category: 4
question: What is the fastest way to fit my billboard images into the atlas in
Billboard Creator?
answer: On the right pane of the Billboard Creator, expand the Utilities section
and hit Fit Camera.
links: []
- id: 39
category: 4
question: How to toggle Alpha channel in Billboard Creator?
answer: Click the <b>A</b> button on its toolbar.
links: []
- id: 40
category: 1
question: Trees and Grasses on my terrain disappeared, how to fix it?
answer: 'Select the terrain, there are several thing that would affect foliage
- Make sure you have assigned <b>Tree & Grass Prototypes
Group</b> for it.
- Make sure there are foliages on you terrain, the
<b>instance count</b> is listed under Foliage section.
- Under the Rendering
section, enable <b>Draw Foliage</b> and set appropriate <b>Billboard Start,
Tree Distance, Grass Distance</b> values.'
links: []
- id: 41
category: 2
question: What is Group Tool?
answer: "Group Tool provides a simple and easy way to override properties across
tiles in a group, selectively, at once! \r\nUsually, Group Tool is automatically
created when you add the first terrain into the scene. If not, go to <b>GameObject>3D
Object>Polaris>Tools>Group</b> to add one."
- displayText: Learn more.
link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1LQooyrEl2S5qP3w2cvX0RYy1CQvUs6mIBACJ8wNhSnE/edit#heading=h.1dp5fklhpfxe
- id: 42
category: 2
question: How to create a Group Tool object?
answer: Usually, Group Tool is automatically created when you add the first terrain
into the scene. If not, go to <b>GameObject>3D Object>Polaris>Tools>Group</b>
to add one.
- displayText: Learn more.
link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1LQooyrEl2S5qP3w2cvX0RYy1CQvUs6mIBACJ8wNhSnE/edit#heading=h.1dp5fklhpfxe
- id: 43
category: 2
question: Can I have multiple Group Tool object in a scene?
answer: 'Yes, you can.
It is practical to have multiple Group Tool object
in a scene for better management where each instance will drive a terrain group.'
links: []
- id: 44
category: 2
question: How to override a properties using Group Tool?
answer: To do that, turn on the checkbox on the left of the properties you want
to override, then enter your values.
links: []
- id: 45
category: 2
question: Is it possible to override multiple properties before re-generate terrains
using Group Tool?
answer: Yes, turn on the <b>Deferred Update</b> option, then override your properties.
Finally, hit <b>Update</b>.
- displayText: How to override a properties?
link: ~How to override a properties using Group Tool?
- id: 46
category: 2
question: How to automatically align, re-arrange terrains in the scene using
Group Tool?
answer: 'Select the Group Tool instance, under Re-Arrange section, hit Re-Arrange.
this function have some requirement to work correctly:
- <b>Width</b>
and <b>Length</b> properties have to be overriden.
- <b>Neighbor connection</b>
between terrains have to be set.
<b>Note:</b> this function does not
ensure terrain to place around world origin point.'
links: []
- id: 47
category: 2
question: How to assign a terrain into a group?
answer: Select the terrain, under <b>General</b> section, set its <b>Group Id</b>
links: []
- id: 48
category: 3
question: What is Backup Tool?
answer: Backup Tool is a robust, non-linear way to store/restore editing history,
a companion of Unity built-in Undo system when working with Polaris V2.
- displayText: Learn more.
link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1LQooyrEl2S5qP3w2cvX0RYy1CQvUs6mIBACJ8wNhSnE/edit#heading=h.ov02t6kaoi2g
- id: 49
category: 3
question: How to open the Backup Tool?
answer: Go to <b>Window>Polaris>Tools>Backup</b>
links: []
- id: 50
category: 3
question: What is the different between Backup and History?
answer: They are both compressed terrain data, where Backup remains on disk across
editor sections, and History will be flushed when the editor closed.
- displayText: Learn more.
link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1LQooyrEl2S5qP3w2cvX0RYy1CQvUs6mIBACJ8wNhSnE/edit#bookmark=id.a6obghvy5o24
- id: 51
category: 3
question: How to create a Backup entry?
answer: 'In the Backup editor, under <b>Create Backup</b> section, select your
desired Group Id, give the backup a name, then hit Create.
The created
Backup will be listed under <b>Available Backups</b> section.'
links: []
- id: 52
category: 3
question: How to create a History entry?
answer: 'History entries are automatically created by terrain tools, they are
listed under History section.
To create History for your custom terrain
tool, please contact me directly for more detail instruction.'
- displayText: Send an email.
link: mailto:support@pinwheel.studio?subject=[POLARIS%20V2]%20SHORT_QUESTION&body=DETAIL_QUESTION
- id: 53
category: 3
question: How to restore a Backup/History entry?
answer: Simply click on it.
links: []
- id: 54
category: 3
question: How to delete a Backup/History entry?
answer: 'Right click on it, select Delete and confirm.
<b>This action
cannot be undone!</b>'
links: []
- id: 55
category: 3
question: How to delete all History entries?
answer: 'Click on Clear button on the right of the History foldout, then confirm.
action cannot be undone!</b>'
links: []
- id: 56
category: 3
question: Where can I find Backup and History entries on disk?
answer: They are store in PolarisBackup folder, as the same level with Assets
links: []
- id: 57
category: 3
question: How to keep History entries from being deleted when the Unity Editor
is closed?
answer: Go to Polaris Settings, under Backup Tool Settings, select <b>Dont Clear
History On Editor Exit</b>.
- displayText: Where is Polaris Settings?
link: ~Where is Polaris Settings?
- id: 58
category: 3
question: How to fix memory error when creating Backup/History?
answer: 'Backup Tool preserves a fix amount of memory which is used for compression
and decompression. Sometime you may encounter an error related to memory, because
your texture resolution are too high or there is many terrains in the group.
fix this, go to Polaris Settings, under Backup Tool Settings, increase the
amount of <b>Buffer Size MB</b> then retry.'
links: []
- id: 59
category: 5
question: What is Paint Tool?
answer: Paint Tool let you sculpt terrain geometry, apply color and texture,
spawn trees and grasses onto terrain surface. It is quite similar to other
image processing softwares.
- displayText: Geometry and Texture painter.
link: ~Geometry and Texture painter.
- displayText: Foliage painter.
link: ~Foliage painter.
- id: 60
category: 5
question: How to create a Geometry and Texture painter?
answer: "Usually, it will be automatically created when you add the first terrain
into the scene. If not, go to <b>GameObject>3D Object>Polaris>Tools>Geometry
- Texture Painter</b> to create one.\r"
- displayText: Learn more.
link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1LQooyrEl2S5qP3w2cvX0RYy1CQvUs6mIBACJ8wNhSnE/edit#heading=h.jhx3p8jeipnu
- id: 61
category: 5
question: How to quickly switch between paint mode?
answer: 'You can change paint mode by click on the Mode drop down in the inspector.
the Scene view, you can use function key <b>F1, F2, ..., Fn</b> to switch between
links: []
- id: 62
category: 5
question: How to change painter brush size, rotation and opacity using hotkeys?
answer: 'In the Scene View, you can use these hot key to quickly change brush
sizez, rotation and opacity:
- ''-'' and ''='': change brush size.
''['' and '']'': change brush rotation.
- '';'' and '''''': change brush
links: []
- id: 63
category: 5
question: What is the usage of each paint mode?
answer: Each paint mode has different usage, please see the Manual for detail.
- displayText: Online Manual.
link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1LQooyrEl2S5qP3w2cvX0RYy1CQvUs6mIBACJ8wNhSnE/edit#bookmark=id.mqtrs6c9qsjv
- id: 64
category: 5
question: My painter doesn't record History for undo, how to fix it?
answer: 'Paint Tool have an option to enable/disable History recording.
the painter, in the Inspector, check on the <b>Enable History</b> option.'
links: []
- id: 65
category: 5
question: The editor slightly lag when I release my mouse on painting, how to
fix it?
answer: 'The issue is caused by History recording, you can fix it by one of the
following method:
- Split terrains into several smaller group.
Reduce terrain texture resolution.
- Disable History recording by turn
off the <b>Enable History</b> option in the Inspector. This way you can no
longer perform undo/redo when making a mistake.
However, this also happen
when working with Grass Painter, because it have to do some batching and optimization.
Be patient!'
links: []
- id: 66
category: 5
question: How to add custom brush mask to use with Paint Tool?
answer: "To add custom brush mask, simply put your texture into the <b>Assets/Polaris/Resources/Brushes</b>
directory, then disable-enable the painter component for the brushes to be
links: []
- id: 67
category: 0
question: The Paint Tool does nothing to my terrain, how to fix it?
answer: "Sometime the result doesn\u2019t show up when painting, this is caused
mainly by incorrect material setup, where the material doesn\u2019t use the
texture which the painter is working on. For example: painting splat on a gradient
lookup material doesn\u2019t show anything."
- displayText: Materials and shading styles in Polaris V2.
link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1LQooyrEl2S5qP3w2cvX0RYy1CQvUs6mIBACJ8wNhSnE/edit#bookmark=id.z9savm4lzmgg
- id: 68
category: 5
question: Set up terrain for color painting.
answer: 'For the Color painter (aka Albedo painter) to work, you have to choose
a material that utilize Albedo map (ex: Standard shader, Gradient Lookup variation),
assign that material to the terrain and you are ready to go.
links: []
- id: 69
category: 5
question: Set up terrain for metallic and smoothness painting.
answer: 'For the Metallic, Smoothness painter to work, you have to choose a material
that utilize Metallic map (ex: Standard shader, Gradient Lookup variation),
assign that material to the terrain and you are ready to go.
links: []
- id: 70
category: 5
question: Set up terrain for splats/textures painting.
answer: 'For the Splat painter to work, you have to:
- Choose a material
that utilize splat maps (ex: Lambert 4 Splats, Lambert 4 Splats 4 Normals,
etc.), assign that material to the terrain.
- Create and assign a Splat
Prototypes Group to the terrain.
Then, you are ready to paint!'
- displayText: How to create a Splat Prototypes Group?
link: ~How to create a Splat Prototypes Group?
- id: 71
category: 5
question: Set up terrain for tree painting.
answer: For the Tree painter to work, you have to create a Tree Prototypes Group
and assign it to the terrain, then you are ready to go.
- displayText: How to create a Tree Prototype Group?
link: ~How to create a Tree Prototypes Group?
- id: 72
category: 5
question: Set up terrain for grass painting.
answer: For the Grass painter to work, you have to create a Grass Prototypes
Group and assign it to the terrain, then you are ready to go.
- displayText: How to create a Grass Prototype Group?
link: ~How to create a Grass Prototypes Group?
- id: 73
category: 5
question: How to create a Foliage Painter?
answer: "Usually, it is automatically created when you add the first terrain.
If not, go to <b>GameObject>3D Object>Polaris>Tools>Foliage Painter</b> to
add one.\r"
- displayText: Learn more.
link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1LQooyrEl2S5qP3w2cvX0RYy1CQvUs6mIBACJ8wNhSnE/edit#heading=h.as83fysh5mjb
- id: 74
category: 5
question: How to add some randomness to spawned trees and grasses using Foliage
answer: 'Initially, painted instances will have default transform properties
(rotation of 0 and scale of 1), this will introduce a repetitive pattern. To
add some randomness, you can use some filters. To add a filter, click on Add
Filter button and select one of them.
There are several filter types:
Distance Constraint
- Height Constraint
- Slope Constraint
Randomize Rotation
- Randomize Scale
- Clamp Scale'
- displayText: Learn more.
link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1LQooyrEl2S5qP3w2cvX0RYy1CQvUs6mIBACJ8wNhSnE/edit#bookmark=id.sbdszhxy8qyx
- id: 75
category: 5
question: How to bypass a Foliage Filter?
answer: In the Inspector, check on the Ignore option.
links: []
- id: 76
category: 6
question: What is Spline Creator?
answer: "Spline Creator is a handy tool to perform some specific operation along
a spline like making ramp, painting path or spawning trees, etc.\r"
- displayText: Learn more.
link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1LQooyrEl2S5qP3w2cvX0RYy1CQvUs6mIBACJ8wNhSnE/edit#heading=h.xhfsmg37exv5
- id: 77
category: 6
question: How to create a Spline Creator?
answer: "To add a Spline Creator into your scene, go to <b>GameObject>3D Object>Polaris>Tools>Spline</b>.
links: []
- id: 78
category: 6
question: How to modify splines with Spline Creator?
answer: "There are some actions when working with spline:\r\n- Left Click: select
an Anchor or Segment\r\n- Shift Click: Add a new Anchor, this anchor will automatically
connected to the selected one and may create a new branch.\r\n- Shift Click
between 2 anchors: connect 2 anchors.\r\n- Ctrl Click: remove an Anchor or
Segment.\r\n- Ctrl Click on the dotted line: snap the Anchor onto surface.\r"
- displayText: Learn more.
link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1LQooyrEl2S5qP3w2cvX0RYy1CQvUs6mIBACJ8wNhSnE/edit#heading=h.xhfsmg37exv5
- id: 79
category: 6
question: What is and how to use Spline Modifier?
answer: "The Spline Creator only responsible for creating base spline. To apply
an operation based on that spline, you have to add a Spline Modifier, by click
on Add Modifier:\r\n- Ramp Maker: making a ramp by modify terrain Height map.\r\n-
Path Painter: making a path by painting on Albedo or Splat map.\r\n- Foliage
Spawner: spawn trees and grasses along the path.\r\n- Foliage Remover: clear
trees and grasses along the path.\r"
links: []
- id: 80
category: 7
question: What is Geometry Stamper?
answer: It is a terrain tool which let you stamp features onto terrain surface,
using a mask texture and some special math operation.
- displayText: Learn more.
link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1LQooyrEl2S5qP3w2cvX0RYy1CQvUs6mIBACJ8wNhSnE/edit#heading=h.nm2lixy4g6y2
- id: 81
category: 7
question: How to create a Geometry Stamper?
answer: "Go to <b>GameObject>3D Object>Polaris>Tools>Stampers</b>, this will
create other kind of stamper like Texture Stamper and Foliage Stamper, etc.\r"
links: []
- id: 82
category: 7
question: What is the formula behind each geometry stamp operations?
answer: We have a section describes each operation in the Manual, please see
it for more detail.
- displayText: Online Manual.
link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1LQooyrEl2S5qP3w2cvX0RYy1CQvUs6mIBACJ8wNhSnE/edit#bookmark=id.vegas3xw5x1k
- id: 83
category: 7
question: How to move, rotate and scale the stamper?
answer: 'There are 2 ways to do that:
- Modify the Position, Rotation
and Scale properties in the Inspector.
- Use the transform handle in
the scene view, press W, E, R to switch between move, rotate and scale tool.'
links: []
- id: 84
category: 0
question: Terrain tools don't display Live Preview, how to fix it?
answer: 'For Live Preview to show in the scene view, make sure:
- You
have turn it on.
- Your terrain rotation is (0,0,0) and scale is (1,1,1).
It will be disable if you have different rotation and scale.'
- displayText: How to turn on Live Preview?
link: ~How to turn on Live Preview?
- id: 85
category: 7
question: How to add more detail/subdivision to terrain geometry after stamping?
answer: You can increase the <b>Additional Mesh Resolution</b> value.
links: []
- id: 86
category: 7
question: What is Texture Stamper?
answer: It is a terrain tool which let you perform procedural texturing onto
the terrain surface, instead of painting by hand.
- displayText: Learn more.
link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1LQooyrEl2S5qP3w2cvX0RYy1CQvUs6mIBACJ8wNhSnE/edit#heading=h.taksayu2wvh6
- id: 87
category: 7
question: How to create a Texture Stamper?
answer: "Go to <b>GameObject>3D Object>Polaris>Tools>Stampers</b>. This will
create other types of stampers as well.\r"
links: []
- id: 88
category: 7
question: How Texture Stamper works?
answer: 'Texture Stamper also has basic properties similar to Geometry Stamper
to define the shape. In additional, it is consist of multiple stamp layer,
which will be apply one by one onto the surface. '
- displayText: Geometry Stamper.
link: ~Geometry Stamper
- id: 89
category: 7
question: What is the meaning of each Texture Stamper property?
answer: We have a section describes this in detail, see the Online Manual.
- displayText: Online Manual.
link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1LQooyrEl2S5qP3w2cvX0RYy1CQvUs6mIBACJ8wNhSnE/edit#bookmark=id.uc4nhyo1smfb
- id: 90
category: 7
question: What is noise origin, frequency, laccunarity, persistence, octaves?
answer: The video below is an excellent explanation for that.
- displayText: YouTube
link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wbpMiKiSKm8&list=PLFt_AvWsXl0eBW2EiBtl_sxmDtSgZBxB3&index=1
- id: 91
category: 7
question: What is Foliage Stamper?
answer: It is a terrain tool which let you perform procedural foliage placement
instead of painting by hand.
- displayText: Learn more.
link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1LQooyrEl2S5qP3w2cvX0RYy1CQvUs6mIBACJ8wNhSnE/edit#heading=h.oz4ufiex48pa
- id: 92
category: 7
question: How to create a Foliage Stamper?
answer: Go to GameObject>3D Object>Polaris>Tools>Stampers. This will create other
types of stamper too.
links: []
- id: 93
category: 7
question: What is the meaning of each Foliage Stamper layer property?
answer: We have a section describes this in detail, see the Online Manual.
- displayText: Online Manual.
link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1LQooyrEl2S5qP3w2cvX0RYy1CQvUs6mIBACJ8wNhSnE/edit#bookmark=id.bijhtgmjx3ep
- id: 94
category: 7
question: It took too long for grass stamping, how to fix it?
answer: "Grass stamping maybe time-consuming since it have to perform some batching
and optimization. It\u2019s better to stamp on a particular region instead
of a whole terrain to avoid the editor from hanging too long."
links: []
- id: 95
category: 1
question: How to fix missing polygon when working with geometry?
answer: "Sometime you can see some polygon is missing on the surface, to fix
this, you can use a geometry painter to paint over the missing spot, it will
regenerate and close the gap. \nThe best painter type to use in this situation
is Subdiv Painter."
links: []
- id: 96
category: 0
question: How to create Tree Colliders?
answer: "Tree Collider component is automatically added as a child game object
of your terrain. Each Tree Collider will track only one target, to have more
target, you can add another Tree Collider by go to <b>GameObject>3D Object>Polaris>Tree
- displayText: Learn more.
link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1LQooyrEl2S5qP3w2cvX0RYy1CQvUs6mIBACJ8wNhSnE/edit#heading=h.tyfjeebxpmaf
- id: 97
category: 0
question: Prepare for Nav Mesh baking.
answer: "Terrain geometry will be automatically marked as Navigation Static,
so Unity can easily grab it for nav mesh baking. However, trees rendered with
Polaris are not game objects, so Unity don\u2019t know how to carve holes on
the nav mesh for more precise result. You have to use a <b>Navigation Helper</b>
tool to deal with this. Go to <b>GameObject>3D Object>Polaris>Tools>Navigation
Helper</b> to create one.\n"
- displayText: Learn more.
link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1LQooyrEl2S5qP3w2cvX0RYy1CQvUs6mIBACJ8wNhSnE/edit#heading=h.u98e37tgk5kx
- id: 98
category: 5
question: How to cut a hole on terrain surface to create a cave entrance?
answer: You can use the Visibility Painer.
links: []
- id: 99
category: 0
question: How to create geometry bridges and overhangs?
answer: Polaris V2 doesn't support for this yet, you have to create separate
3D models and put them into the scene.
links: []
- id: 100
category: 0
question: What's new in v2.0.1?
answer: '- New tool: Navigation Helper for carving holes when baking NavMesh.
New tool: Help Tool for quickly search for FAQ right in the editor.
New component: Tree Collider.
- Faster geometry generation, adding
vertex displacement, Polygon Processor system to inject vertex modification
into generation process.
- Backup files now store outside of Assets
- Allow drag and drop Terrain Data into Hierarchy & Scene View
to recreate the terrain.'
links: []
- id: 101
category: 5
question: Set up terrain for vertex color painting.
answer: 'Do the following step:
- Select the terrain, under Geometry foldout,
set the Polygon Processor to <b>Albedo To Vertex Color</b> or <b>Albedo To
Vertex Color (Sharp)</b>. This will convert albedo map color to vertex color
after polygon generation.
- Select the Texture Painter, turn on <b>Force
Update Geometry</b>, set paint mode to <b>Albedo</b>.
- Paint.
terrain material should support for vertex color for it to work!</b>'
links: []
- id: 102
category: 0
question: What's new in v2.1.0?
answer: "<b>NEW FEATURES:\r</b>\n- Unity Undo compatible: Undo/Redo work seamlessly
with Backup system by Ctrl+Z and Ctrl+Y.\r\n- Terrain Pinning & Auto Connect:
create neighbor terrain and connect adjacent tiles in one click.\r\n- Detail
Mesh: painting and rendering a huge amount of environment detail like rocks,
debrises, etc.\r\n- Brush Dynamic: more control over brush stroke like radius
jitter, opacity jitter, scatter, etc.\r\n- Data Importer: import data from
Unity terrain data, Polaris V1 data, RAW files and textures.\r\n- Data Exporter:
export data to Unity terrain data, RAW files and textures.\r\n- Unity Terrain
Converter: convert a group of Unity Terrain to low poly, migrate from 3rd parties
tools like Gaia, MapMagic and TerrainComposer is easier than ever!\r\n- Debug
Mode: visualize recently updated chunks in the Scene View, and more.\r\n<b>IMPROVEMENTS:</b>\r\n-
Height Map: now switch to RGBAFloat format for more precise elevation data.\r\n-
Grass/Detail: now can align to surface normal vector.\r\n- Paint Tool cursor:
now follow geometry contour for more comfortable experience.\r\n- Editor GUI
revision: more consistent and organize design.\r\n- Grass mesh batching: now
run asynchronously in the background.\r\n- Generated data storage: more efficient
and compact.\r\n- Stampers: smoother live preview, faster stamping process.\r\n-
Foliage rendering & Tree Collider: improve performance.\r\n- Geometry generation:
reduce memory usage.\r\n<b>FIXES:</b>\r\n- Fix tree/grass incorrect position
after geometry modification.\r\n- Fix foliage rendering culling issues."
links: []
- id: 103
category: 0
question: How to quickly create and connect adjacent terrain tiles?
answer: 'Use the Terrain Pinning and Auto Connect: select a terrain, expand it
Neighboring foldout, then click one of the 4 squares appear in the Scene View,
next to the selected terrain. A new one will be create and connect automatically.'
- displayText: Learn more.
link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1LQooyrEl2S5qP3w2cvX0RYy1CQvUs6mIBACJ8wNhSnE/edit#heading=h.1bydu4ba8qe9
- id: 104
category: 9
question: How to import data to Polaris Terrain?
answer: 'Select a terrain, expand it Data foldout, click on Import, you can choose
to import data from:
- Unity Terrain Data
- Polaris V1 Data (Requires
Polaris V1 imported)
- RAW files, 8 bits or 16 bits (.raw, .r16)
links: []
- id: 105
category: 9
question: How to export Polaris data to files?
answer: 'Select a terrain, expand it Data foldout, click on Export, you can choose
to export data to:
- Unity Terrain Data
- RAW files, 8 bits or
16 bits (.raw, .r16)
- Textures'
links: []
- id: 106
category: 9
question: How to convert Unity Terrain to low poly?
answer: "Polaris provides a handy tool to help you to easier migrate from 3rd
parties\u2019 tools like Gaia, MapMagic and TerrainComposer by convert a Unity
terrain group to low poly. <b>Right click on the root game object</b> of the
terrain group, select <b>3D Object>Polaris>Convert From Unity Terrain</b>.\nSelect
what you want to import and where to store converted data, then hit Convert.\r"
links: []