Heroes_of_Hiis/Assets/Fantasy Adventure Environment/Runtime/TerrainUVUtil.cs

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// Fantasy Adventure Environment
// Copyright Staggart Creations
// staggart.xyz
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
namespace FAE
public class TerrainUVUtil : ScriptableObject
public static readonly bool debug = false;
public enum Workflow
public Workflow workflow = Workflow.None;
public Bounds meshBounds;
public Vector3 pivotPos;
public float height;
public float bottom;
public Vector3 size;
public Vector3 centerPostion;
public Vector3 originPosition;
public Terrain[] terrains;
public MeshRenderer[] meshes;
public Vector4 terrainScaleOffset;
public void GetObjectPlanarUV(GameObject[] gameObjects)
//No objects given
if (gameObjects.Length == 0)
Debug.LogError("No objects given to render!");
//Determine workflow
if (gameObjects[0].GetComponent<Terrain>())
workflow = Workflow.Terrain;
else if (gameObjects[0].GetComponent<MeshRenderer>())
workflow = Workflow.Mesh;
workflow = Workflow.None;
Debug.LogError("Terrain UV Utility: Current object is neither a terrain nor a mesh!");
if (debug)
Debug.Log("Summed size: " + size);
Debug.Log("Center position: " + centerPostion);
Debug.Log("Origin position:" + originPosition);
private void GetMeshInfo(GameObject[] meshObjects)
height = 0;
size = Vector3.zero;
MeshRenderer mesh;
//Init mesh terrain array
meshes = new MeshRenderer[meshObjects.Length];
Bounds cornerMeshBounds = new Bounds();
for (int i = 0; i < meshObjects.Length; i++)
mesh = meshObjects[i].GetComponent<MeshRenderer>();
meshBounds = mesh.bounds;
//Store the bounds of the first, corner, mesh
if (i == 0) cornerMeshBounds = meshBounds;
//Mesh size has to be uniform
if (!IsApproximatelyEqual(meshBounds.extents.x, meshBounds.extents.z))
Debug.LogWarningFormat("[PigmentMapGenerator] size of \"{0}\" is not uniform at {1}! This is required for correct results.", mesh.name, meshBounds.extents.x + "x" + meshBounds.extents.z);
//Set height to highest terrain
if (meshBounds.size.y > height)
height = meshBounds.size.y;
//With every terrain, size is increased
size.x += meshBounds.size.x;
size.z += meshBounds.size.z;
size.y = height;
if (meshObjects.Length > 1)
size.x /= Mathf.Sqrt(meshObjects.Length);
size.z /= Mathf.Sqrt(meshObjects.Length);
originPosition = cornerMeshBounds.min;
originPosition.y = meshObjects[0].transform.position.y;
centerPostion = new Vector3(cornerMeshBounds.min.x + (size.x / 2), height / 2f, cornerMeshBounds.min.z + (size.z / 2));
//Single terrain
originPosition = cornerMeshBounds.min;
originPosition.y = meshObjects[0].transform.position.y;
centerPostion = cornerMeshBounds.center;
terrainScaleOffset = new Vector4(size.x, size.z, originPosition.x, originPosition.z);
Shader.SetGlobalVector("_TerrainUV", terrainScaleOffset);
private void GetTerrainInfo(GameObject[] terrainObjects)
height = 0;
size = Vector3.zero;
Terrain terrain;
//Init terrain array
terrains = new Terrain[terrainObjects.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < terrainObjects.Length; i++)
terrain = terrainObjects[i].GetComponent<Terrain>();
terrains[i] = terrain;
//Terrain size has to be uniform
if (!IsApproximatelyEqual(terrain.terrainData.size.x, terrain.terrainData.size.z))
Debug.LogErrorFormat(this.name + ": size of \"{0}\" is not uniform at {1}!", terrain.name, terrain.terrainData.size.x + "x" + terrain.terrainData.size.z);
//Set height to highest terrain
if (terrain.terrainData.size.y > height)
height = terrain.terrainData.size.y;
if (terrains[i].transform.position.y < bottom)
bottom = terrain.transform.position.y;
//With every terrain, size is increased
size += terrain.terrainData.size;
//For multi terrains, divide by square root of num tiles to get total size
if (terrainObjects.Length > 1)
size /= Mathf.Sqrt(terrainObjects.Length);
//First terrain is considered the corner and origin
originPosition = terrains[0].transform.position;
//Offset origin point by half the size to get center
centerPostion = new Vector3(originPosition.x + (size.x / 2f), originPosition.y + (height / 2f), originPosition.z + (size.z / 2f));
//Check if values are equal, has error margin for floating point precision
private bool IsApproximatelyEqual(float a, float b)
return Mathf.Abs(a - b) < 0.02f;