
64 lines
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// This file was @generated with LibOVRPlatform/codegen/main. Do not modify it!
namespace Oculus.Platform
using System;
using System.Collections;
using Oculus.Platform.Models;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
public class GroupPresenceOptions {
public GroupPresenceOptions() {
Handle = CAPI.ovr_GroupPresenceOptions_Create();
/// This the unique API Name that refers to an in-app destination
public void SetDestinationApiName(string value) {
CAPI.ovr_GroupPresenceOptions_SetDestinationApiName(Handle, value);
/// Set whether or not the person is shown as joinable or not to others. A user
/// that is joinable can invite others to join them. Set this to false if other
/// users would not be able to join this user. For example: the current session
/// is full, or only the host can invite others and the current user is not the
/// host.
public void SetIsJoinable(bool value) {
CAPI.ovr_GroupPresenceOptions_SetIsJoinable(Handle, value);
/// This is a session that represents a closer group/squad/party of users. It
/// is expected that all users with the same lobby session id can see or hear
/// each other. Users with the same lobby session id in their group presence
/// will show up in the roster and will show up as "Recently Played With" for
/// future invites if they aren't already Oculus friends. This must be set in
/// addition to is_joinable being true for a user to use invites.
public void SetLobbySessionId(string value) {
CAPI.ovr_GroupPresenceOptions_SetLobbySessionId(Handle, value);
/// This is a session that represents all the users that are playing a specific
/// instance of a map, game mode, round, etc. This can include users from
/// multiple different lobbies that joined together and the users may or may
/// not remain together after the match is over. Users with the same match
/// session id in their group presence will not show up in the Roster, but will
/// show up as "Recently Played with" for future invites.
public void SetMatchSessionId(string value) {
CAPI.ovr_GroupPresenceOptions_SetMatchSessionId(Handle, value);
/// For passing to native C
public static explicit operator IntPtr(GroupPresenceOptions options) {
return options != null ? options.Handle : IntPtr.Zero;
~GroupPresenceOptions() {
IntPtr Handle;