
176 lines
5.9 KiB

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// <copyright file="CountdownTimer.cs" company="Exit Games GmbH">
// Part of: Photon Unity Utilities,
// </copyright>
// <summary>
// This is a basic CountdownTimer. In order to start the timer, the MasterClient can add a certain entry to the Custom Room Properties,
// which contains the property's name 'StartTime' and the actual start time describing the moment, the timer has been started.
// To have a synchronized timer, the best practice is to use PhotonNetwork.Time.
// In order to subscribe to the CountdownTimerHasExpired event you can call CountdownTimer.OnCountdownTimerHasExpired += OnCountdownTimerIsExpired;
// from Unity's OnEnable function for example. For unsubscribing simply call CountdownTimer.OnCountdownTimerHasExpired -= OnCountdownTimerIsExpired;.
// You can do this from Unity's OnDisable function for example.
// </summary>
// <author>developer@exitgames.com</author>
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
using ExitGames.Client.Photon;
using Photon.Realtime;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
namespace Photon.Pun.UtilityScripts
/// <summary>This is a basic, network-synced CountdownTimer based on properties.</summary>
/// <remarks>
/// In order to start the timer, the MasterClient can call SetStartTime() to set the timestamp for the start.
/// The property 'StartTime' then contains the server timestamp when the timer has been started.
/// In order to subscribe to the CountdownTimerHasExpired event you can call CountdownTimer.OnCountdownTimerHasExpired
/// += OnCountdownTimerIsExpired;
/// from Unity's OnEnable function for example. For unsubscribing simply call CountdownTimer.OnCountdownTimerHasExpired
/// -= OnCountdownTimerIsExpired;.
/// You can do this from Unity's OnEnable and OnDisable functions.
/// </remarks>
public class CountdownTimer : MonoBehaviourPunCallbacks
/// <summary>
/// OnCountdownTimerHasExpired delegate.
/// </summary>
public delegate void CountdownTimerHasExpired();
public const string CountdownStartTime = "StartTime";
[Header("Countdown time in seconds")]
public float Countdown = 5.0f;
private bool isTimerRunning;
private int startTime;
[Header("Reference to a Text component for visualizing the countdown")]
public Text Text;
/// <summary>
/// Called when the timer has expired.
/// </summary>
public static event CountdownTimerHasExpired OnCountdownTimerHasExpired;
public void Start()
if (this.Text == null) Debug.LogError("Reference to 'Text' is not set. Please set a valid reference.", this);
public override void OnEnable()
Debug.Log("OnEnable CountdownTimer");
// the starttime may already be in the props. look it up.
public override void OnDisable()
Debug.Log("OnDisable CountdownTimer");
public void Update()
if (!this.isTimerRunning) return;
float countdown = TimeRemaining();
this.Text.text = string.Format("Game starts in {0} seconds", countdown.ToString("n0"));
if (countdown > 0.0f) return;
private void OnTimerRuns()
this.isTimerRunning = true;
this.enabled = true;
private void OnTimerEnds()
this.isTimerRunning = false;
this.enabled = false;
Debug.Log("Emptying info text.", this.Text);
this.Text.text = string.Empty;
if (OnCountdownTimerHasExpired != null) OnCountdownTimerHasExpired();
public override void OnRoomPropertiesUpdate(Hashtable propertiesThatChanged)
Debug.Log("CountdownTimer.OnRoomPropertiesUpdate " + propertiesThatChanged.ToStringFull());
private void Initialize()
int propStartTime;
if (TryGetStartTime(out propStartTime))
this.startTime = propStartTime;
Debug.Log("Initialize sets StartTime " + this.startTime + " server time now: " + PhotonNetwork.ServerTimestamp + " remain: " + TimeRemaining());
this.isTimerRunning = TimeRemaining() > 0;
if (this.isTimerRunning)
private float TimeRemaining()
int timer = PhotonNetwork.ServerTimestamp - this.startTime;
return this.Countdown - timer / 1000f;
public static bool TryGetStartTime(out int startTimestamp)
startTimestamp = PhotonNetwork.ServerTimestamp;
object startTimeFromProps;
if (PhotonNetwork.CurrentRoom.CustomProperties.TryGetValue(CountdownStartTime, out startTimeFromProps))
startTimestamp = (int)startTimeFromProps;
return true;
return false;
public static void SetStartTime()
int startTime = 0;
bool wasSet = TryGetStartTime(out startTime);
Hashtable props = new Hashtable
{CountdownTimer.CountdownStartTime, (int)PhotonNetwork.ServerTimestamp}
Debug.Log("Set Custom Props for Time: "+ props.ToStringFull() + " wasSet: "+wasSet);