/************************************************************************************ Filename : OVRLipSyncSequence.cs Content : LipSync frames container Created : May 17th, 2018 Copyright : Copyright Facebook Technologies, LLC and its affiliates. All rights reserved. Licensed under the Oculus Audio SDK License Version 3.3 (the "License"); you may not use the Oculus Audio SDK except in compliance with the License, which is provided at the time of installation or download, or which otherwise accompanies this software in either electronic or hard copy form. You may obtain a copy of the License at https://developer.oculus.com/licenses/audio-3.3/ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, the Oculus Audio SDK distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. ************************************************************************************/ using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using UnityEngine; // Sequence - holds ordered entries for playback [System.Serializable] public class OVRLipSyncSequence : ScriptableObject { public List entries = new List(); public float length; // in seconds public OVRLipSync.Frame GetFrameAtTime(float time) { OVRLipSync.Frame frame = null; if (time < length && entries.Count > 0) { float percentComplete = time / length; frame = entries[(int)(entries.Count * percentComplete)]; } return frame; } #if UNITY_EDITOR private static readonly int sSampleSize = 1024; public static OVRLipSyncSequence CreateSequenceFromAudioClip( AudioClip clip, bool useOfflineModel = false) { OVRLipSyncSequence sequence = null; if (clip.channels > 2) { Debug.LogError(clip.name + ": Cannot process phonemes from an audio clip with " + "more than 2 channels"); return null; } if (clip.loadType != AudioClipLoadType.DecompressOnLoad) { Debug.LogError(clip.name + ": Cannot process phonemes from an audio clip unless " + "its load type is set to DecompressOnLoad."); return null; } if (OVRLipSync.Initialize(clip.frequency, sSampleSize) != OVRLipSync.Result.Success) { Debug.LogError("Could not create Lip Sync engine."); return null; } if (clip.loadState != AudioDataLoadState.Loaded) { Debug.LogError("Clip is not loaded!"); return null; } uint context = 0; OVRLipSync.Result result = useOfflineModel ? OVRLipSync.CreateContextWithModelFile( ref context, OVRLipSync.ContextProviders.Enhanced, Path.Combine(Application.dataPath, "Oculus/LipSync/Assets/OfflineModel/ovrlipsync_offline_model.pb")) : OVRLipSync.CreateContext(ref context, OVRLipSync.ContextProviders.Enhanced); if (result != OVRLipSync.Result.Success) { Debug.LogError("Could not create Phoneme context. (" + result + ")"); OVRLipSync.Shutdown(); return null; } List frames = new List(); float[] samples = new float[sSampleSize * clip.channels]; OVRLipSync.Frame dummyFrame = new OVRLipSync.Frame(); OVRLipSync.ProcessFrame( context, samples, dummyFrame, (clip.channels == 2) ? true : false ); // frame delay in ms float frameDelayInMs = dummyFrame.frameDelay; int frameOffset = (int)(frameDelayInMs * clip.frequency / 1000); int totalSamples = clip.samples; for (int x = 0; x < totalSamples + frameOffset; x += sSampleSize) { int remainingSamples = totalSamples - x; if (remainingSamples >= sSampleSize) { clip.GetData(samples, x); } else if (remainingSamples > 0) { float[] samples_clip = new float[remainingSamples * clip.channels]; clip.GetData(samples_clip, x); Array.Copy(samples_clip, samples, samples_clip.Length); Array.Clear(samples, samples_clip.Length, samples.Length - samples_clip.Length); } else { Array.Clear(samples, 0, samples.Length); } OVRLipSync.Frame frame = new OVRLipSync.Frame(); if (clip.channels == 2) { // interleaved = stereo data, alternating floats OVRLipSync.ProcessFrame(context, samples, frame); } else { // mono OVRLipSync.ProcessFrame(context, samples, frame, false); } if (x < frameOffset) { continue; } frames.Add(frame); } Debug.Log(clip.name + " produced " + frames.Count + " viseme frames, playback rate is " + (frames.Count / clip.length) + " fps"); OVRLipSync.DestroyContext(context); OVRLipSync.Shutdown(); sequence = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance(); sequence.entries = frames; sequence.length = clip.length; return sequence; } #endif };