/************************************************************************************ Filename : OVRLipSync.cs Content : Interface to Oculus Lip Sync engine Created : August 4th, 2015 Copyright : Copyright Facebook Technologies, LLC and its affiliates. All rights reserved. Licensed under the Oculus Audio SDK License Version 3.3 (the "License"); you may not use the Oculus Audio SDK except in compliance with the License, which is provided at the time of installation or download, or which otherwise accompanies this software in either electronic or hard copy form. You may obtain a copy of the License at https://developer.oculus.com/licenses/audio-3.3/ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, the Oculus Audio SDK distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. ************************************************************************************/ using UnityEngine; using System; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ***** OVRLipSync // /// /// OVRLipSync interfaces into the Oculus lip sync engine. This component should be added /// into the scene once. /// /// public class OVRLipSync : MonoBehaviour { // Error codes that may return from Lip Sync engine public enum Result { Success = 0, Unknown = -2200, //< An unknown error has occurred CannotCreateContext = -2201, //< Unable to create a context InvalidParam = -2202, //< An invalid parameter, e.g. NULL pointer or out of range BadSampleRate = -2203, //< An unsupported sample rate was declared MissingDLL = -2204, //< The DLL or shared library could not be found BadVersion = -2205, //< Mismatched versions between header and libs UndefinedFunction = -2206 //< An undefined function }; // Audio buffer data type public enum AudioDataType { // Signed 16-bit integer mono audio stream S16_Mono, // Signed 16-bit integer stereo audio stream S16_Stereo, // Signed 32-bit float mono audio stream F32_Mono, // Signed 32-bit float stereo audio stream F32_Stereo }; // Various visemes public enum Viseme { sil, PP, FF, TH, DD, kk, CH, SS, nn, RR, aa, E, ih, oh, ou }; public static readonly int VisemeCount = Enum.GetNames(typeof(Viseme)).Length; // Enum for sending lip-sync engine specific signals public enum Signals { VisemeOn, VisemeOff, VisemeAmount, VisemeSmoothing, LaughterAmount }; public static readonly int SignalCount = Enum.GetNames(typeof(Signals)).Length; // Enum for provider context to create public enum ContextProviders { Original, Enhanced, Enhanced_with_Laughter, }; /// NOTE: Opaque typedef for lip-sync context is an unsigned int (uint) /// Current phoneme frame results [System.Serializable] public class Frame { public void CopyInput(Frame input) { frameNumber = input.frameNumber; frameDelay = input.frameDelay; input.Visemes.CopyTo(Visemes, 0); laughterScore = input.laughterScore; } public void Reset() { frameNumber = 0; frameDelay = 0; Array.Clear(Visemes, 0, VisemeCount); laughterScore = 0; } public int frameNumber; // count from start of recognition public int frameDelay; // in ms public float[] Visemes = new float[VisemeCount]; // Array of floats for viseme frame. Size of Viseme Count, above public float laughterScore; // probability of laughter presence. }; // * * * * * * * * * * * * * // Import functions #if !UNITY_IOS || UNITY_EDITOR public const string strOVRLS = "OVRLipSync"; #else public const string strOVRLS = "__Internal"; #endif [DllImport(strOVRLS)] private static extern int ovrLipSyncDll_Initialize(int samplerate, int buffersize); [DllImport(strOVRLS)] private static extern void ovrLipSyncDll_Shutdown(); [DllImport(strOVRLS)] private static extern IntPtr ovrLipSyncDll_GetVersion(ref int Major, ref int Minor, ref int Patch); [DllImport(strOVRLS)] private static extern int ovrLipSyncDll_CreateContextEx(ref uint context, ContextProviders provider, int sampleRate, bool enableAcceleration); [DllImport(strOVRLS)] private static extern int ovrLipSyncDll_CreateContextWithModelFile(ref uint context, ContextProviders provider, string modelPath, int sampleRate, bool enableAcceleration); [DllImport(strOVRLS)] private static extern int ovrLipSyncDll_DestroyContext(uint context); [DllImport(strOVRLS)] private static extern int ovrLipSyncDll_ResetContext(uint context); [DllImport(strOVRLS)] private static extern int ovrLipSyncDll_SendSignal(uint context, Signals signal, int arg1, int arg2); [DllImport(strOVRLS)] private static extern int ovrLipSyncDll_ProcessFrameEx( uint context, IntPtr audioBuffer, uint bufferSize, AudioDataType dataType, ref int frameNumber, ref int frameDelay, float[] visemes, int visemeCount, ref float laughterScore, float[] laughterCategories, int laughterCategoriesLength); // * * * * * * * * * * * * * // Public members // * * * * * * * * * * * * * // Static members private static Result sInitialized = Result.Unknown; // interface through this static member. public static OVRLipSync sInstance = null; // * * * * * * * * * * * * * // MonoBehaviour overrides /// /// Awake this instance. /// void Awake() { // We can only have one instance of OVRLipSync in a scene (use this for local property query) if (sInstance == null) { sInstance = this; } else { Debug.LogWarning(System.String.Format("OVRLipSync Awake: Only one instance of OVRPLipSync can exist in the scene.")); return; } if (IsInitialized() != Result.Success) { sInitialized = Initialize(); if (sInitialized != Result.Success) { Debug.LogWarning(System.String.Format ("OvrLipSync Awake: Failed to init Speech Rec library")); } } // Important: Use the touchpad mechanism for input, call Create on the OVRTouchpad helper class OVRTouchpad.Create(); } /// /// Raises the destroy event. /// void OnDestroy() { if (sInstance != this) { Debug.LogWarning( "OVRLipSync OnDestroy: This is not the correct OVRLipSync instance."); return; } // Do not shut down at this time // ovrLipSyncDll_Shutdown(); // sInitialized = (int)Result.Unknown; } // * * * * * * * * * * * * * // Public Functions public static Result Initialize() { int sampleRate; int bufferSize; int numbuf; // Get the current sample rate sampleRate = AudioSettings.outputSampleRate; // Get the current buffer size and number of buffers AudioSettings.GetDSPBufferSize(out bufferSize, out numbuf); String str = System.String.Format ("OvrLipSync Awake: Queried SampleRate: {0:F0} BufferSize: {1:F0}", sampleRate, bufferSize); Debug.LogWarning(str); sInitialized = (Result)ovrLipSyncDll_Initialize(sampleRate, bufferSize); return sInitialized; } public static Result Initialize(int sampleRate, int bufferSize) { String str = System.String.Format ("OvrLipSync Awake: Queried SampleRate: {0:F0} BufferSize: {1:F0}", sampleRate, bufferSize); Debug.LogWarning(str); sInitialized = (Result)ovrLipSyncDll_Initialize(sampleRate, bufferSize); return sInitialized; } public static void Shutdown() { ovrLipSyncDll_Shutdown(); sInitialized = Result.Unknown; } /// /// Determines if is initialized. /// /// true if is initialized; otherwise, false. public static Result IsInitialized() { return sInitialized; } /// /// Creates a lip-sync context. /// /// error code /// Context. /// Provider. /// Enable DSP Acceleration. public static Result CreateContext( ref uint context, ContextProviders provider, int sampleRate = 0, bool enableAcceleration = false) { if (IsInitialized() != Result.Success && Initialize() != Result.Success) return Result.CannotCreateContext; return (Result)ovrLipSyncDll_CreateContextEx(ref context, provider, sampleRate, enableAcceleration); } /// /// Creates a lip-sync context with specified model file. /// /// error code /// Context. /// Provider. /// Model Dir. /// Sampling Rate. /// Enable DSP Acceleration. public static Result CreateContextWithModelFile( ref uint context, ContextProviders provider, string modelPath, int sampleRate = 0, bool enableAcceleration = false) { if (IsInitialized() != Result.Success && Initialize() != Result.Success) return Result.CannotCreateContext; return (Result)ovrLipSyncDll_CreateContextWithModelFile( ref context, provider, modelPath, sampleRate, enableAcceleration); } /// /// Destroy a lip-sync context. /// /// The context. /// Context. public static Result DestroyContext(uint context) { if (IsInitialized() != Result.Success) return Result.Unknown; return (Result)ovrLipSyncDll_DestroyContext(context); } /// /// Resets the context. /// /// error code /// Context. public static Result ResetContext(uint context) { if (IsInitialized() != Result.Success) return Result.Unknown; return (Result)ovrLipSyncDll_ResetContext(context); } /// /// Sends a signal to the lip-sync engine. /// /// error code /// Context. /// Signal. /// Arg1. /// Arg2. public static Result SendSignal(uint context, Signals signal, int arg1, int arg2) { if (IsInitialized() != Result.Success) return Result.Unknown; return (Result)ovrLipSyncDll_SendSignal(context, signal, arg1, arg2); } /// /// Process float[] audio buffer by lip-sync engine. /// /// error code /// Context. /// PCM audio buffer. /// Lip-sync Frame. /// Whether buffer is part of stereo or mono stream. public static Result ProcessFrame( uint context, float[] audioBuffer, Frame frame, bool stereo = true) { if (IsInitialized() != Result.Success) return Result.Unknown; var dataType = stereo ? AudioDataType.F32_Stereo : AudioDataType.F32_Mono; var numSamples = (uint)(stereo ? audioBuffer.Length / 2 : audioBuffer.Length); var handle = GCHandle.Alloc(audioBuffer, GCHandleType.Pinned); var rc = ovrLipSyncDll_ProcessFrameEx(context, handle.AddrOfPinnedObject(), numSamples, dataType, ref frame.frameNumber, ref frame.frameDelay, frame.Visemes, frame.Visemes.Length, ref frame.laughterScore, null, 0 ); handle.Free(); return (Result)rc; } /// /// Process short[] audio buffer by lip-sync engine. /// /// error code /// Context. /// PCM audio buffer. /// Lip-sync Frame. /// Whether buffer is part of stereo or mono stream. public static Result ProcessFrame( uint context, short[] audioBuffer, Frame frame, bool stereo = true) { if (IsInitialized() != Result.Success) return Result.Unknown; var dataType = stereo ? AudioDataType.S16_Stereo : AudioDataType.S16_Mono; var numSamples = (uint)(stereo ? audioBuffer.Length / 2 : audioBuffer.Length); var handle = GCHandle.Alloc(audioBuffer, GCHandleType.Pinned); var rc = ovrLipSyncDll_ProcessFrameEx(context, handle.AddrOfPinnedObject(), numSamples, dataType, ref frame.frameNumber, ref frame.frameDelay, frame.Visemes, frame.Visemes.Length, ref frame.laughterScore, null, 0 ); handle.Free(); return (Result)rc; } }