using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.Audio; namespace OVR { //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Types //------------------------------------------------------------------------- public enum EmitterChannel { None = -1, Reserved = 0, // plays on the single reserved emitter Any // queues to the next available emitter } [System.Serializable] public class MixerSnapshot { public AudioMixerSnapshot snapshot = null; public float transitionTime = 0.25f; } /* ----------------------- GameManager Sound Routines ----------------------- */ public partial class AudioManager : MonoBehaviour { public enum Fade { In, Out } private float audioMaxFallOffDistanceSqr = 25.0f * 25.0f; // past this distance, sounds are ignored for the local player private SoundEmitter[] soundEmitters = null; // pool of sound emitters to play sounds through private FastList playingEmitters = new FastList(); private FastList nextFreeEmitters = new FastList(); private MixerSnapshot currentSnapshot = null; static private GameObject soundEmitterParent = null; // parent object for the sound emitters static private Transform staticListenerPosition = null; // play position for regular 2D sounds static private bool showPlayingEmitterCount = false; static private bool forceShowEmitterCount = false; static private bool soundEnabled = true; static public bool SoundEnabled { get { return soundEnabled; } } static readonly AnimationCurve defaultReverbZoneMix = new AnimationCurve( new Keyframe[2] { new Keyframe( 0f, 1.0f ), new Keyframe( 1f, 1f ) } ); // Calculate the maximum number of emitters that can be running at one time. static private int CalculateMaxEmittersSize() { return theAudioManager.maxSoundEmitters + (int)EmitterChannel.Any; } // Verify if this index is valid static private bool ValidateEmitterIndex(int index) { return index > -1 && index < CalculateMaxEmittersSize(); } /* ----------------------- InitializeSoundSystem() initialize persistent sound emitter objects that live across scene loads ----------------------- */ void InitializeSoundSystem() { int bufferLength = 960; int numBuffers = 4; AudioSettings.GetDSPBufferSize( out bufferLength, out numBuffers ); if ( Application.isPlaying ) { Debug.Log( "[AudioManager] Audio Sample Rate: " + AudioSettings.outputSampleRate ); Debug.Log( "[AudioManager] Audio Buffer Length: " + bufferLength + " Size: " + numBuffers ); } // find the audio listener for playing regular 2D sounds AudioListener audioListenerObject = GameObject.FindObjectOfType() as AudioListener; if ( audioListenerObject == null ) { Debug.LogError( "[AudioManager] Missing AudioListener object! Add one to the scene." ); } else { staticListenerPosition = audioListenerObject.transform; } // we allocate maxSoundEmitters + reserved channels soundEmitters = new SoundEmitter[CalculateMaxEmittersSize()]; // see if the sound emitters have already been created, if so, nuke it, it shouldn't exist in the scene upon load soundEmitterParent = GameObject.Find( "__SoundEmitters__" ); if ( soundEmitterParent != null ) { // delete any sound emitters hanging around Destroy( soundEmitterParent ); } // create them all soundEmitterParent = new GameObject( "__SoundEmitters__" ); for ( int i = 0; i < CalculateMaxEmittersSize(); i++ ) { GameObject emitterObject = new GameObject( "SoundEmitter_" + i ); emitterObject.transform.parent = soundEmitterParent.transform; emitterObject.transform.position =; // don't ever save this to the scene emitterObject.hideFlags = HideFlags.DontSaveInEditor; // add the sound emitter components soundEmitters[i] = emitterObject.AddComponent(); soundEmitters[i].SetDefaultParent( soundEmitterParent.transform ); soundEmitters[i].SetChannel( i ); soundEmitters[i].Stop(); // save off the original index soundEmitters[i].originalIdx = i; } // reset the free emitter lists ResetFreeEmitters(); soundEmitterParent.hideFlags = HideFlags.DontSaveInEditor; audioMaxFallOffDistanceSqr = audioMaxFallOffDistance * audioMaxFallOffDistance; } /* ----------------------- UpdateFreeEmitters() ----------------------- */ void UpdateFreeEmitters() { if ( verboseLogging ) { if ( Input.GetKeyDown( KeyCode.A ) ) { forceShowEmitterCount = !forceShowEmitterCount; } if ( forceShowEmitterCount ) { showPlayingEmitterCount = true; } } // display playing emitter count when the sound system is overwhelmed int total = 0, veryLow = 0, low = 0, def = 0, high = 0, veryHigh = 0; // find emitters that are done playing and add them to the nextFreeEmitters list for ( int i = 0; i < playingEmitters.size; ) { if ( playingEmitters[i] == null ) { Debug.LogError( "[AudioManager] ERROR: playingEmitters list had a null emitter! Something nuked a sound emitter!!!" ); playingEmitters.RemoveAtFast( i ); return; } if ( !playingEmitters[i].IsPlaying() ) { // add to the free list and remove from the playing list if ( verboseLogging ) { if ( nextFreeEmitters.Contains( playingEmitters[i] ) ) { Debug.LogError( "[AudioManager] ERROR: playing sound emitter already in the free emitters list!" ); } } playingEmitters[i].Stop(); nextFreeEmitters.Add( playingEmitters[i] ); playingEmitters.RemoveAtFast( i ); continue; } // debugging/profiling if ( verboseLogging && showPlayingEmitterCount ) { total++; switch ( playingEmitters[i].priority ) { case SoundPriority.VeryLow: veryLow++; break; case SoundPriority.Low: low++; break; case SoundPriority.Default: def++; break; case SoundPriority.High: high++; break; case SoundPriority.VeryHigh: veryHigh++; break; } } i++; } if ( verboseLogging && showPlayingEmitterCount ) { Debug.LogWarning( string.Format( "[AudioManager] Playing sounds: Total {0} | VeryLow {1} | Low {2} | Default {3} | High {4} | VeryHigh {5} | Free {6}", Fmt( total ), Fmt( veryLow ), Fmt( low ), Fmt( def ), Fmt( high ), Fmt( veryHigh ), FmtFree( nextFreeEmitters.Count ) ) ); showPlayingEmitterCount = false; } } /* ----------------------- Fmt() ----------------------- */ string Fmt( int count ) { float t = count / (float)theAudioManager.maxSoundEmitters; if ( t < 0.5f ) { return "" + count.ToString() + ""; } else if ( t < 0.7 ) { return "" + count.ToString() + ""; } else { return "" + count.ToString() + ""; } } /* ----------------------- FmtFree() ----------------------- */ string FmtFree( int count ) { float t = count / (float)theAudioManager.maxSoundEmitters; if ( t < 0.2f ) { return "" + count.ToString() + ""; } else if ( t < 0.3 ) { return "" + count.ToString() + ""; } else { return "" + count.ToString() + ""; } } /* ----------------------- OnPreSceneLoad() ----------------------- */ void OnPreSceneLoad() { // move any attached sounds back to the sound emitters parent before changing levels so they don't get destroyed Debug.Log( "[AudioManager] OnPreSceneLoad cleanup" ); for ( int i = 0; i < soundEmitters.Length; i++ ) { soundEmitters[i].Stop(); soundEmitters[i].ResetParent( soundEmitterParent.transform ); } // reset our emitter lists ResetFreeEmitters(); } /* ----------------------- ResetFreeEmitters() ----------------------- */ void ResetFreeEmitters() { nextFreeEmitters.Clear(); playingEmitters.Clear(); for ( int i = (int)EmitterChannel.Any; i < soundEmitters.Length; i++ ) { nextFreeEmitters.Add( soundEmitters[i] ); } } /* ----------------------- FadeOutSoundChannel() utility function to fade out a playing sound channel ----------------------- */ static public void FadeOutSoundChannel( int channel, float delaySecs, float fadeTime ) { theAudioManager.soundEmitters[channel].FadeOutDelayed( delaySecs, fadeTime ); } /* ----------------------- StopSound() ----------------------- */ static public bool StopSound( int idx, bool fadeOut = true, bool stopReserved = false ) { if ( !stopReserved && ( idx == (int)EmitterChannel.Reserved ) ) { return false; } if ( !fadeOut ) { theAudioManager.soundEmitters[idx].Stop(); } else { theAudioManager.soundEmitters[idx].FadeOut( theAudioManager.soundFxFadeSecs ); } return true; } /* ----------------------- FadeInSound() ----------------------- */ public static void FadeInSound( int idx, float fadeTime, float volume ) { theAudioManager.soundEmitters[idx].FadeIn( fadeTime, volume ); } /* ----------------------- FadeInSound() ----------------------- */ public static void FadeInSound( int idx, float fadeTime ) { theAudioManager.soundEmitters[idx].FadeIn( fadeTime ); } /* ----------------------- FadeOutSound() ----------------------- */ public static void FadeOutSound( int idx, float fadeTime ) { theAudioManager.soundEmitters[idx].FadeOut( fadeTime ); } /* ----------------------- StopAllSounds() ----------------------- */ public static void StopAllSounds( bool fadeOut, bool stopReserved = false ) { for ( int i = 0; i < theAudioManager.soundEmitters.Length; i++ ) { StopSound( i, fadeOut, stopReserved ); } } /* ----------------------- MuteAllSounds() ----------------------- */ public void MuteAllSounds( bool mute, bool muteReserved = false ) { for ( int i = 0; i < soundEmitters.Length; i++ ) { if ( !muteReserved && ( i == (int)EmitterChannel.Reserved ) ) { continue; } soundEmitters[i].audioSource.mute = true; } } /* ----------------------- UnMuteAllSounds() ----------------------- */ public void UnMuteAllSounds( bool unmute, bool unmuteReserved = false ) { for ( int i = 0; i < soundEmitters.Length; i++ ) { if ( !unmuteReserved && ( i == (int)EmitterChannel.Reserved ) ) { continue; } if ( soundEmitters[i].audioSource.isPlaying ) { soundEmitters[i].audioSource.mute = false; } } } /* ----------------------- GetEmitterEndTime() ----------------------- */ static public float GetEmitterEndTime( int idx ) { return theAudioManager.soundEmitters[idx].endPlayTime; } /* ----------------------- SetEmitterTime() ----------------------- */ static public float SetEmitterTime( int idx, float time ) { return theAudioManager.soundEmitters[idx].time = time; } /* ----------------------- PlaySound() ----------------------- */ static public int PlaySound( AudioClip clip, float volume, EmitterChannel src = EmitterChannel.Any, float delay = 0.0f, float pitchVariance = 1.0f, bool loop = false ) { if ( !SoundEnabled ) { return -1; } return PlaySoundAt( ( staticListenerPosition != null ) ? staticListenerPosition.position :, clip, volume, src, delay, pitchVariance, loop ); } /* ----------------------- FindFreeEmitter() ----------------------- */ static private int FindFreeEmitter( EmitterChannel src, SoundPriority priority ) { // default to the reserved emitter SoundEmitter next = theAudioManager.soundEmitters[0]; if ( src == EmitterChannel.Any ) { // pull from the free emitter list if possible if ( theAudioManager.nextFreeEmitters.size > 0 ) { // return the first in the list next = theAudioManager.nextFreeEmitters[0]; // remove it from the free list theAudioManager.nextFreeEmitters.RemoveAtFast( 0 ); } else { // no free emitters available so pull from the lowest priority sound if ( priority == SoundPriority.VeryLow ) { // skip low priority sounds return -1; } else { // find a playing emitter that has a lower priority than what we're requesting // TODO - we could first search for Very Low, then Low, etc ... TBD if it's worth the effort next = theAudioManager.playingEmitters.Find( item => item != null && item.priority < priority ); if ( next == null ) { // last chance to find a free emitter if ( priority < SoundPriority.Default ) { // skip sounds less than the default priority if ( theAudioManager.verboseLogging ) { Debug.LogWarning( "[AudioManager] skipping sound " + priority ); } return -1; } else { // grab a default priority emitter so that we don't cannabalize a high priority sound next = theAudioManager.playingEmitters.Find( item => item != null && item.priority <= SoundPriority.Default ); ; } } if ( next != null ) { if ( theAudioManager.verboseLogging ) { Debug.LogWarning( "[AudioManager] cannabalizing " + next.originalIdx + " Time: " + Time.time ); } // remove it from the playing list next.Stop(); theAudioManager.playingEmitters.RemoveFast( next ); } } } } if ( next == null ) { Debug.LogError( "[AudioManager] ERROR - absolutely couldn't find a free emitter! Priority = " + priority + " TOO MANY PlaySound* calls!" ); showPlayingEmitterCount = true; return -1; } return next.originalIdx; } /* ----------------------- PlaySound() ----------------------- */ static public int PlaySound( SoundFX soundFX, EmitterChannel src = EmitterChannel.Any, float delay = 0.0f ) { if ( !SoundEnabled ) { return -1; } return PlaySoundAt( ( staticListenerPosition != null ) ? staticListenerPosition.position :, soundFX, src, delay ); } /* ----------------------- PlaySoundAt() ----------------------- */ static public int PlaySoundAt( Vector3 position, SoundFX soundFX, EmitterChannel src = EmitterChannel.Any, float delay = 0.0f, float volumeOverride = 1.0f, float pitchMultiplier = 1.0f ) { if ( !SoundEnabled ) { return -1; } AudioClip clip = soundFX.GetClip(); if ( clip == null ) { return -1; } // check the distance from the local player and ignore sounds out of range if ( staticListenerPosition != null ) { float distFromListener = ( staticListenerPosition.position - position ).sqrMagnitude; if ( distFromListener > theAudioManager.audioMaxFallOffDistanceSqr ) { return -1; } if ( distFromListener > soundFX.MaxFalloffDistSquared ) { return -1; } } // check max playing sounds if ( soundFX.ReachedGroupPlayLimit() ) { if ( theAudioManager.verboseLogging ) { Debug.Log( "[AudioManager] PlaySoundAt() with " + + " skipped due to group play limit" ); } return -1; } int idx = FindFreeEmitter( src, soundFX.priority ); if ( idx == -1 ) { // no free emitters - should only happen on very low priority sounds return -1; } SoundEmitter emitter = theAudioManager.soundEmitters[idx]; // make sure to detach the emitter from a previous parent emitter.ResetParent( soundEmitterParent.transform ); emitter.gameObject.SetActive( true ); // set up the sound emitter AudioSource audioSource = emitter.audioSource; ONSPAudioSource osp = emitter.osp; audioSource.enabled = true; audioSource.volume = Mathf.Clamp01( Mathf.Clamp01( theAudioManager.volumeSoundFX * soundFX.volume ) * volumeOverride * soundFX.GroupVolumeOverride ); audioSource.pitch = soundFX.GetPitch() * pitchMultiplier; audioSource.time = 0.0f; audioSource.spatialBlend = 1.0f; audioSource.rolloffMode = soundFX.falloffCurve; if ( soundFX.falloffCurve == AudioRolloffMode.Custom ) { audioSource.SetCustomCurve( AudioSourceCurveType.CustomRolloff, soundFX.volumeFalloffCurve ); } audioSource.SetCustomCurve( AudioSourceCurveType.ReverbZoneMix, soundFX.reverbZoneMix ); audioSource.dopplerLevel = 0; audioSource.clip = clip; audioSource.spread = soundFX.spread; audioSource.loop = soundFX.looping; audioSource.mute = false; audioSource.minDistance = soundFX.falloffDistance.x; audioSource.maxDistance = soundFX.falloffDistance.y; audioSource.outputAudioMixerGroup = soundFX.GetMixerGroup( AudioManager.EmitterGroup ); // set the play time so we can check when sounds are done emitter.endPlayTime = Time.time + clip.length + delay; // cache the default volume for fading emitter.defaultVolume = audioSource.volume; // sound priority emitter.priority = soundFX.priority; // reset this emitter.onFinished = null; // update the sound group limits emitter.SetPlayingSoundGroup( soundFX.Group ); // add to the playing list if ( src == EmitterChannel.Any ) { theAudioManager.playingEmitters.AddUnique( emitter ); } // OSP properties if ( osp != null ) { osp.EnableSpatialization = soundFX.ospProps.enableSpatialization; osp.EnableRfl = theAudioManager.enableSpatializedFastOverride || soundFX.ospProps.useFastOverride ? true : false; osp.Gain = soundFX.ospProps.gain; osp.UseInvSqr = soundFX.ospProps.enableInvSquare; osp.Near = soundFX.ospProps.invSquareFalloff.x; osp.Far = soundFX.ospProps.invSquareFalloff.y; audioSource.spatialBlend = (soundFX.ospProps.enableSpatialization) ? 1.0f : 0.8f; // make sure to set the properties in the audio source before playing osp.SetParameters(ref audioSource); } audioSource.transform.position = position; if ( theAudioManager.verboseLogging ) { Debug.Log( "[AudioManager] PlaySoundAt() channel = " + idx + " soundFX = " + + " volume = " + emitter.volume + " Delay = " + delay + " time = " + Time.time + "\n" ); } // play the sound if ( delay > 0f ) { audioSource.PlayDelayed( delay ); } else { audioSource.Play(); } return idx; } /* ----------------------- PlayRandomSoundAt() ----------------------- */ static public int PlayRandomSoundAt( Vector3 position, AudioClip[] clips, float volume, EmitterChannel src = EmitterChannel.Any, float delay = 0.0f, float pitch = 1.0f, bool loop = false ) { if ( ( clips == null ) || ( clips.Length == 0 ) ) { return -1; } int idx = Random.Range( 0, clips.Length ); return PlaySoundAt( position, clips[idx], volume, src, delay, pitch, loop ); } /* ----------------------- PlaySoundAt() ----------------------- */ static public int PlaySoundAt( Vector3 position, AudioClip clip, float volume = 1.0f, EmitterChannel src = EmitterChannel.Any, float delay = 0.0f, float pitch = 1.0f, bool loop = false ) { if ( !SoundEnabled ) { return -1; } if ( clip == null ) { return -1; } // check the distance from the local player and ignore sounds out of range if ( staticListenerPosition != null ) { if ( ( staticListenerPosition.position - position ).sqrMagnitude > theAudioManager.audioMaxFallOffDistanceSqr ) { // no chance of being heard return -1; } } int idx = FindFreeEmitter( src, 0 ); if ( idx == -1 ) { // no free emitters - should only happen on very low priority sounds return -1; } SoundEmitter emitter = theAudioManager.soundEmitters[idx]; // make sure to detach the emitter from a previous parent emitter.ResetParent( soundEmitterParent.transform ); emitter.gameObject.SetActive( true ); // set up the sound emitter AudioSource audioSource = emitter.audioSource; ONSPAudioSource osp = emitter.osp; audioSource.enabled = true; audioSource.volume = Mathf.Clamp01( theAudioManager.volumeSoundFX * volume ); audioSource.pitch = pitch; audioSource.spatialBlend = 0.8f; audioSource.rolloffMode = AudioRolloffMode.Linear; audioSource.SetCustomCurve( AudioSourceCurveType.ReverbZoneMix, defaultReverbZoneMix ); audioSource.dopplerLevel = 0.0f; audioSource.clip = clip; audioSource.spread = 0.0f; audioSource.loop = loop; audioSource.mute = false; audioSource.minDistance = theAudioManager.audioMinFallOffDistance; audioSource.maxDistance = theAudioManager.audioMaxFallOffDistance; audioSource.outputAudioMixerGroup = AudioManager.EmitterGroup; // set the play time so we can check when sounds are done emitter.endPlayTime = Time.time + clip.length + delay; // cache the default volume for fading emitter.defaultVolume = audioSource.volume; // default priority emitter.priority = 0; // reset this emitter.onFinished = null; // update the sound group limits emitter.SetPlayingSoundGroup( null ); // add to the playing list if ( src == EmitterChannel.Any ) { theAudioManager.playingEmitters.AddUnique( emitter ); } // disable spatialization (by default for regular AudioClips) if ( osp != null ) { osp.EnableSpatialization = false; } audioSource.transform.position = position; if ( theAudioManager.verboseLogging ) { Debug.Log( "[AudioManager] PlaySoundAt() channel = " + idx + " clip = " + + " volume = " + emitter.volume + " Delay = " + delay + " time = " + Time.time + "\n" ); } // play the sound if ( delay > 0f ) { audioSource.PlayDelayed( delay ); } else { audioSource.Play(); } return idx; } /* ----------------------- SetOnFinished() ----------------------- */ public static void SetOnFinished( int emitterIdx, System.Action onFinished ) { if ( ValidateEmitterIndex(emitterIdx) ) { theAudioManager.soundEmitters[emitterIdx].SetOnFinished( onFinished ); } } /* ----------------------- SetOnFinished() ----------------------- */ public static void SetOnFinished( int emitterIdx, System.Action onFinished, object obj ) { if ( ValidateEmitterIndex(emitterIdx) ) { theAudioManager.soundEmitters[emitterIdx].SetOnFinished( onFinished, obj ); } } /* ----------------------- AttachSoundToParent() ----------------------- */ public static void AttachSoundToParent( int idx, Transform parent ) { if ( theAudioManager.verboseLogging ) { string parentName =; if ( parent.parent != null ) { parentName = + "/" + parentName; } Debug.Log( "[AudioManager] ATTACHING INDEX " + idx + " to " + parentName ); } theAudioManager.soundEmitters[idx].ParentTo( parent ); } /* ----------------------- DetachSoundFromParent() ----------------------- */ public static void DetachSoundFromParent( int idx ) { if ( theAudioManager.verboseLogging ) { Debug.Log( "[AudioManager] DETACHING INDEX " + idx ); } theAudioManager.soundEmitters[idx].DetachFromParent(); } /* ----------------------- DetachSoundsFromParent() ----------------------- */ public static void DetachSoundsFromParent( SoundEmitter[] emitters, bool stopSounds = true ) { if ( emitters == null ) { return; } foreach ( SoundEmitter emitter in emitters ) { if ( emitter.defaultParent != null ) { if ( stopSounds ) { emitter.Stop(); } emitter.DetachFromParent(); // make sure it's active emitter.gameObject.SetActive( true ); } else { if ( stopSounds ) { emitter.Stop(); } } } } /* ----------------------- SetEmitterMixerGroup() ----------------------- */ public static void SetEmitterMixerGroup( int idx, AudioMixerGroup mixerGroup ) { if ( ( theAudioManager != null ) && ( idx > -1 ) ) { theAudioManager.soundEmitters[idx].SetAudioMixer( mixerGroup ); } } /* ----------------------- GetActiveSnapshot() ----------------------- */ public static MixerSnapshot GetActiveSnapshot() { return ( theAudioManager != null ) ? theAudioManager.currentSnapshot : null; } /* ----------------------- SetCurrentSnapshot() ----------------------- */ public static void SetCurrentSnapshot( MixerSnapshot mixerSnapshot ) { #if UNITY_EDITOR if ( mixerSnapshot == null || mixerSnapshot.snapshot == null ) { Debug.LogError( "[AudioManager] ERROR setting empty mixer snapshot!" ); } else { Debug.Log( "[AudioManager] Setting audio mixer snapshot: " + ( ( mixerSnapshot != null && mixerSnapshot.snapshot != null ) ? : "None" ) + " Time: " + Time.time ); } #endif if ( theAudioManager != null ) { if ( ( mixerSnapshot != null ) && ( mixerSnapshot.snapshot != null ) ) { mixerSnapshot.snapshot.TransitionTo( mixerSnapshot.transitionTime ); } else { mixerSnapshot = null; } theAudioManager.currentSnapshot = mixerSnapshot; } } /* ----------------------- BlendWithCurrentSnapshot() ----------------------- */ public static void BlendWithCurrentSnapshot( MixerSnapshot blendSnapshot, float weight, float blendTime = 0.0f ) { if ( theAudioManager != null ) { if ( theAudioManager.audioMixer == null ) { Debug.LogWarning( "[AudioManager] can't call BlendWithCurrentSnapshot if the audio mixer is not set!" ); return; } if ( blendTime == 0.0f ) { blendTime = Time.deltaTime; } if ( ( theAudioManager.currentSnapshot != null ) && (theAudioManager.currentSnapshot.snapshot != null ) ) { if ( ( blendSnapshot != null ) && ( blendSnapshot.snapshot != null ) ) { weight = Mathf.Clamp01( weight ); if ( weight == 0.0f ) { // revert to the default snapshot theAudioManager.currentSnapshot.snapshot.TransitionTo( blendTime ); } else { AudioMixerSnapshot[] snapshots = new AudioMixerSnapshot[] { theAudioManager.currentSnapshot.snapshot, blendSnapshot.snapshot }; float[] weights = new float[] { 1.0f - weight, weight }; theAudioManager.audioMixer.TransitionToSnapshots( snapshots, weights, blendTime ); } } } } } } } // namespace OVR