V1.7.5 FIXES - Fix water inspector issue in URP === V1.7.4 FIXES - Fix a prefab issue. === V1.7.3 IMPROVEMENTS - Doubling water mesh bounds for better culling. === V1.7.2 IMPROVEMENTS - Wave now take account to Water FX. FIXES - Fix wet lens bug on game start. - Fix water planes get rendered in prefab scene. - Change Manual Time to double. === V1.7.1 IMPROVEMENTS - Adding automatic Water Level for WaterFX. FIXES - Fix GetLocalVertexPosition() bug with Wave Deform parameter (simply set the PerlinNoise.png to non-sRGB). - Fix WaterFX trigger bug when player stand still but the water raise/lower. === V1.7.0 NEW FEATURES - Adding support for Aura 2 volumetric light & fog. === V1.6.3 NEW FEATURES - Adding Wave Mask to define wave height and crest intensity in a particular region. Wave Mask take effect on both shader and C# side. IMPROVEMENTS - Refraction now take Light Absorption into account. Refracted image only visible in range of [0, MaxDepth], otherwise it will appear as DepthColor. - Caustic now doesn't require Light Absorption anymore. FIXES - Auto Time mode now take Time.timeScale into account. - Minor fixes. === V1.6.2 NEW FEATURES - Adding Manual Time mode that being set outside of the PWater script. Useful for multiplayer games that need to sync water animation across clients. FIXES - Fix Mesh Noise, Foam, Caustic to use unified Time params. === V1.6.1 FIXES - Adding simple check for reflection camera rotation to get rid of "Screen position out of view frustum..." error. - Minor code fix. === V1.6.0 IMPORTANT - This update requires a complete removal and reimport of the asset! NEW FEATURES - Complete shader rewrite for both Builtin RP and Universal RP. - Adding Flat Lighting option that evaluate lighting uniformly on the polygon. - Lambert and Blinn Phong light model now available for Builtin RP. IMPROVEMENTS - Asset import now a lot faster. FIXES - Exclude the Water Spline Sync modifier when using Polaris 2019. - Minor fixes. === V1.5.6 IMPROVEMENTS - Adding support for Unity 2020.2 and URP 10.2.2+. === V1.5.5 FIXES - Skip rendering reflection for Overlay Camera in URP. === V1.5.4 NEW FEATURES - Adding extension function to query vertex height at runtime. IMPROVEMENTS - Minor improvements for all shaders. FIXES - Minor editor fixes. === V1.5.3 FIXES - Fix shader compile error in URP. === V1.5.2 FIXES - Fix Water FX setup issue in URP === V1.5.1 FIXES - Fix build fail issue on Android when Crest Foam is enabled. - Fix Ripple and Foam issue on GLES2 and GLES3. === V1.5.0 NEW FEATURES - Adding Underwater and Wet Lens support for URP. - Adding new shader variant for back face render (Tileable Plane only) IMPROVEMENTS - Adding more instruction to Water FX demo scene. FIXES - Minor bugs fixing. === V1.4.1 IMPROVEMENTS - Adding support for Unity 2020. FIXES - Fix foam issue in URP. === V1.4.0 NEW FEATURES - Adding Wave effect. - Adding Crest Foam and Slope Foam effect. IMPROVEMENTS - Optimize screen position calculation for URP shader. - Adding Height Offset for Polaris Spline Sync modifier. FIXES - Minor fixes. === V1.3.4 IMPROVEMENTS - Rewrite URP shaders using newest URP template. Better environment lighting. - Water now receive shadow in URP. === V1.3.3 NEW FEATURES - Adding Tiles Follow Main Camera option for ease of making infinite open water. === V1.3.2 NEW FEATURES - Adding Water Spline Sync modifier for Polaris Spline tool. IMPROVEMENTS - Show Foam Color as HDR color picker. === V1.3.1 FIXES - Fix water mesh type keep revert back to Tileable Plane when entering Play mode. === V1.3.0 NEW FEATURES - Adding Area, Spline and Custom Mesh mode as experimental features. - Adding new River shader for spline mesh. IMPROVEMENTS - Mesh settings now move from Water Profile to Water component and serialized with the scene. - Foam now react correctly with scene lighting. - Ripple scale well with water object scale. - Refine frame pre-render check (depth texture, opaque texture, MSAA). - Better tile pinning mode, drag left mouse to add more tiles. - Refraction in Builtin RP now use Grab Texture instead of re-render. FIXES - Fix gizmos bug in OnSceneGUI callback. - Fix Ripple and Foam effect on GLES3. === V1.2.9 IMPROVEMENTS - Adding support for Refraction and Caustic in VR. - Support for Single Pass Instanced stereo rendering. FIXES - Fix water FX shaders, removing distortion artifacts. DEPRECATED - Remove support for LWRP. === V1.2.8 IMPROVEMENTS - Adding some scene view message following mouse position in Tile Pinning mode. FIXES - Fix some build issues. - Unlock water rotation. === V1.2.7 FIXES - Strip water effect shader to prevent build fail when PPv2 is not installed. === V1.2.6 IMPROVEMENTS - Stop rendering reflection when not needed. FIXES - Fix some issues with VR rendering for Light Absorption and Foam. - Temporarily disable Reflection, Refraction and Caustic in VR, update coming soon. - Minor bug fixes. === V1.2.5 IMPORTANT! - Please BACK UP your project and perform a clean update due to major package structure changes. IMPROVEMENTS - Re-organize project files. - Adding some tests for detecting mis-configuring in package settings. === V1.2.4 NEW FEATURES - Adding water effect (Underwater, Wet Lens). - Adding back face shader variant. IMPROVEMENTS - Minor editor workflow updates. FIXES - Minor issue fixes. === V1.2.3 FIXES - Fix shader references in LWRP. === V1.2.2 NEW FEATURES - Now you can select which lighting model to use: Physical Based, Blinn Phong, Lambert. IMPROVEMENTS - Optimize all shaders for Mobile devices. === V1.2.1 IMPROVEMENTS - Refraction: now read from camera opaque texture in LWRP, URP instead of re-render the scene. FIXES - Fix water tiles not being saved in the editor in some cases. - Fix material render queue getting resetted to default shader value. === V1.2.0 NEW FEATURES - Adding more water mesh pattern: Hexagon, Diamond, Quad. - New Caustic effect. IMPROVEMENTS - Better performance for Foam HQ effect. - Adding blur filter for Reflection, useful for low-res reflection textures. - Re-organize include files. FIXES - Depth-based effects (Light Absorbtion, Foam, etc) now work correctly in orthographic mode. - Water now react correctly to built-in fog. CHANGES - Ripple effect now always on. DEPRECATED - Horizon Blend effect was removed. Use built-in fog instead. === V1.1.0 NEW FEATURES - Adding support for Universal Render Pipeline. IMPROVEMENTS - Editor GUI: Display water tiles list in the inspector. FIXES - Fix reflection and refraction glitching in LWRP and URP. === V1.0.1 FIXES - Package now initialize correctly in LWRP. === V1.0.0 Initial release