/************************************************************************************ Copyright : Copyright (c) Facebook Technologies, LLC and its affiliates. All rights reserved. Your use of this SDK or tool is subject to the Oculus SDK License Agreement, available at https://developer.oculus.com/licenses/oculussdk/ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, the Utilities SDK distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. ************************************************************************************/ using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; [DefaultExecutionOrder(-80)] public class OVRSkeleton : MonoBehaviour { public interface IOVRSkeletonDataProvider { SkeletonType GetSkeletonType(); SkeletonPoseData GetSkeletonPoseData(); } public struct SkeletonPoseData { public OVRPlugin.Posef RootPose { get; set; } public float RootScale { get; set; } public OVRPlugin.Quatf[] BoneRotations { get; set; } public bool IsDataValid { get; set; } public bool IsDataHighConfidence { get; set; } public int SkeletonChangedCount { get; set; } } public enum SkeletonType { None = OVRPlugin.SkeletonType.None, HandLeft = OVRPlugin.SkeletonType.HandLeft, HandRight = OVRPlugin.SkeletonType.HandRight, } public enum BoneId { Invalid = OVRPlugin.BoneId.Invalid, // hand bones Hand_Start = OVRPlugin.BoneId.Hand_Start, Hand_WristRoot = OVRPlugin.BoneId.Hand_WristRoot, // root frame of the hand, where the wrist is located Hand_ForearmStub = OVRPlugin.BoneId.Hand_ForearmStub, // frame for user's forearm Hand_Thumb0 = OVRPlugin.BoneId.Hand_Thumb0, // thumb trapezium bone Hand_Thumb1 = OVRPlugin.BoneId.Hand_Thumb1, // thumb metacarpal bone Hand_Thumb2 = OVRPlugin.BoneId.Hand_Thumb2, // thumb proximal phalange bone Hand_Thumb3 = OVRPlugin.BoneId.Hand_Thumb3, // thumb distal phalange bone Hand_Index1 = OVRPlugin.BoneId.Hand_Index1, // index proximal phalange bone Hand_Index2 = OVRPlugin.BoneId.Hand_Index2, // index intermediate phalange bone Hand_Index3 = OVRPlugin.BoneId.Hand_Index3, // index distal phalange bone Hand_Middle1 = OVRPlugin.BoneId.Hand_Middle1, // middle proximal phalange bone Hand_Middle2 = OVRPlugin.BoneId.Hand_Middle2, // middle intermediate phalange bone Hand_Middle3 = OVRPlugin.BoneId.Hand_Middle3, // middle distal phalange bone Hand_Ring1 = OVRPlugin.BoneId.Hand_Ring1, // ring proximal phalange bone Hand_Ring2 = OVRPlugin.BoneId.Hand_Ring2, // ring intermediate phalange bone Hand_Ring3 = OVRPlugin.BoneId.Hand_Ring3, // ring distal phalange bone Hand_Pinky0 = OVRPlugin.BoneId.Hand_Pinky0, // pinky metacarpal bone Hand_Pinky1 = OVRPlugin.BoneId.Hand_Pinky1, // pinky proximal phalange bone Hand_Pinky2 = OVRPlugin.BoneId.Hand_Pinky2, // pinky intermediate phalange bone Hand_Pinky3 = OVRPlugin.BoneId.Hand_Pinky3, // pinky distal phalange bone Hand_MaxSkinnable = OVRPlugin.BoneId.Hand_MaxSkinnable, // Bone tips are position only. They are not used for skinning but are useful for hit-testing. // NOTE: Hand_ThumbTip == Hand_MaxSkinnable since the extended tips need to be contiguous Hand_ThumbTip = OVRPlugin.BoneId.Hand_ThumbTip, // tip of the thumb Hand_IndexTip = OVRPlugin.BoneId.Hand_IndexTip, // tip of the index finger Hand_MiddleTip = OVRPlugin.BoneId.Hand_MiddleTip, // tip of the middle finger Hand_RingTip = OVRPlugin.BoneId.Hand_RingTip, // tip of the ring finger Hand_PinkyTip = OVRPlugin.BoneId.Hand_PinkyTip, // tip of the pinky Hand_End = OVRPlugin.BoneId.Hand_End, // add new bones here Max = OVRPlugin.BoneId.Max } [SerializeField] protected SkeletonType _skeletonType = SkeletonType.None; [SerializeField] private IOVRSkeletonDataProvider _dataProvider; [SerializeField] private bool _updateRootPose = false; [SerializeField] private bool _updateRootScale = false; [SerializeField] private bool _enablePhysicsCapsules = false; private GameObject _bonesGO; private GameObject _bindPosesGO; private GameObject _capsulesGO; protected List _bones; private List _bindPoses; private List _capsules; protected OVRPlugin.Skeleton2 _skeleton = new OVRPlugin.Skeleton2(); private readonly Quaternion wristFixupRotation = new Quaternion(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); public bool IsInitialized { get; private set; } public bool IsDataValid { get; private set; } public bool IsDataHighConfidence { get; private set; } public IList Bones { get; protected set; } public IList BindPoses { get; private set; } public IList Capsules { get; private set; } public SkeletonType GetSkeletonType() { return _skeletonType; } public int SkeletonChangedCount { get; private set; } private void Awake() { if (_dataProvider == null) { _dataProvider = GetComponent(); } _bones = new List(); Bones = _bones.AsReadOnly(); _bindPoses = new List(); BindPoses = _bindPoses.AsReadOnly(); _capsules = new List(); Capsules = _capsules.AsReadOnly(); } private void Start() { if (ShouldInitialize()) { Initialize(); } } private bool ShouldInitialize() { if (IsInitialized) { return false; } if (_skeletonType == SkeletonType.None) { return false; } else if (_skeletonType == SkeletonType.HandLeft || _skeletonType == SkeletonType.HandRight) { #if UNITY_EDITOR return OVRInput.IsControllerConnected(OVRInput.Controller.Hands); #else return true; #endif } else { return true; } } private void Initialize() { if (OVRPlugin.GetSkeleton2((OVRPlugin.SkeletonType)_skeletonType, ref _skeleton)) { InitializeBones(); InitializeBindPose(); InitializeCapsules(); IsInitialized = true; } } protected virtual void InitializeBones() { bool flipX = (_skeletonType == SkeletonType.HandLeft || _skeletonType == SkeletonType.HandRight); if (!_bonesGO) { _bonesGO = new GameObject("Bones"); _bonesGO.transform.SetParent(transform, false); _bonesGO.transform.localPosition = Vector3.zero; _bonesGO.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.identity; } if (_bones == null || _bones.Count != _skeleton.NumBones) { _bones = new List(new OVRBone[_skeleton.NumBones]); Bones = _bones.AsReadOnly(); } // pre-populate bones list before attempting to apply bone hierarchy for (int i = 0; i < _bones.Count; ++i) { OVRBone bone = _bones[i] ?? (_bones[i] = new OVRBone()); bone.Id = (OVRSkeleton.BoneId)_skeleton.Bones[i].Id; bone.ParentBoneIndex = _skeleton.Bones[i].ParentBoneIndex; Transform trans = bone.Transform ?? (bone.Transform = new GameObject(BoneLabelFromBoneId(_skeletonType, bone.Id)).transform); trans.localPosition = flipX ? _skeleton.Bones[i].Pose.Position.FromFlippedXVector3f() : _skeleton.Bones[i].Pose.Position.FromFlippedZVector3f(); trans.localRotation = flipX ? _skeleton.Bones[i].Pose.Orientation.FromFlippedXQuatf() : _skeleton.Bones[i].Pose.Orientation.FromFlippedZQuatf(); } for (int i = 0; i < _bones.Count; ++i) { if ((BoneId)_bones[i].ParentBoneIndex == BoneId.Invalid) { _bones[i].Transform.SetParent(_bonesGO.transform, false); } else { _bones[i].Transform.SetParent(_bones[_bones[i].ParentBoneIndex].Transform, false); } } } private void InitializeBindPose() { if (!_bindPosesGO) { _bindPosesGO = new GameObject("BindPoses"); _bindPosesGO.transform.SetParent(transform, false); _bindPosesGO.transform.localPosition = Vector3.zero; _bindPosesGO.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.identity; } if (_bindPoses == null || _bindPoses.Count != _bones.Count) { _bindPoses = new List(new OVRBone[_bones.Count]); BindPoses = _bindPoses.AsReadOnly(); } // pre-populate bones list before attempting to apply bone hierarchy for (int i = 0; i < _bindPoses.Count; ++i) { OVRBone bone = _bones[i]; OVRBone bindPoseBone = _bindPoses[i] ?? (_bindPoses[i] = new OVRBone()); bindPoseBone.Id = bone.Id; bindPoseBone.ParentBoneIndex = bone.ParentBoneIndex; Transform trans = bindPoseBone.Transform ?? (bindPoseBone.Transform = new GameObject(BoneLabelFromBoneId(_skeletonType, bindPoseBone.Id)).transform); trans.localPosition = bone.Transform.localPosition; trans.localRotation = bone.Transform.localRotation; } for (int i = 0; i < _bindPoses.Count; ++i) { if ((BoneId)_bindPoses[i].ParentBoneIndex == BoneId.Invalid) { _bindPoses[i].Transform.SetParent(_bindPosesGO.transform, false); } else { _bindPoses[i].Transform.SetParent(_bindPoses[_bindPoses[i].ParentBoneIndex].Transform, false); } } } private void InitializeCapsules() { bool flipX = (_skeletonType == SkeletonType.HandLeft || _skeletonType == SkeletonType.HandRight); if (_enablePhysicsCapsules) { if (!_capsulesGO) { _capsulesGO = new GameObject("Capsules"); _capsulesGO.transform.SetParent(transform, false); _capsulesGO.transform.localPosition = Vector3.zero; _capsulesGO.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.identity; } if (_capsules == null || _capsules.Count != _skeleton.NumBoneCapsules) { _capsules = new List(new OVRBoneCapsule[_skeleton.NumBoneCapsules]); Capsules = _capsules.AsReadOnly(); } for (int i = 0; i < _capsules.Count; ++i) { OVRBone bone = _bones[_skeleton.BoneCapsules[i].BoneIndex]; OVRBoneCapsule capsule = _capsules[i] ?? (_capsules[i] = new OVRBoneCapsule()); capsule.BoneIndex = _skeleton.BoneCapsules[i].BoneIndex; if (capsule.CapsuleRigidbody == null) { capsule.CapsuleRigidbody = new GameObject(BoneLabelFromBoneId(_skeletonType, bone.Id) + "_CapsuleRigidbody").AddComponent(); capsule.CapsuleRigidbody.mass = 1.0f; capsule.CapsuleRigidbody.isKinematic = true; capsule.CapsuleRigidbody.useGravity = false; capsule.CapsuleRigidbody.collisionDetectionMode = CollisionDetectionMode.ContinuousSpeculative; } GameObject rbGO = capsule.CapsuleRigidbody.gameObject; rbGO.transform.SetParent(_capsulesGO.transform, false); rbGO.transform.position = bone.Transform.position; rbGO.transform.rotation = bone.Transform.rotation; if (capsule.CapsuleCollider == null) { capsule.CapsuleCollider = new GameObject(BoneLabelFromBoneId(_skeletonType, bone.Id) + "_CapsuleCollider").AddComponent(); capsule.CapsuleCollider.isTrigger = false; } var p0 = flipX ? _skeleton.BoneCapsules[i].StartPoint.FromFlippedXVector3f() : _skeleton.BoneCapsules[i].StartPoint.FromFlippedZVector3f(); var p1 = flipX ? _skeleton.BoneCapsules[i].EndPoint.FromFlippedXVector3f() : _skeleton.BoneCapsules[i].EndPoint.FromFlippedZVector3f(); var delta = p1 - p0; var mag = delta.magnitude; var rot = Quaternion.FromToRotation(Vector3.right, delta); capsule.CapsuleCollider.radius = _skeleton.BoneCapsules[i].Radius; capsule.CapsuleCollider.height = mag + _skeleton.BoneCapsules[i].Radius * 2.0f; capsule.CapsuleCollider.direction = 0; capsule.CapsuleCollider.center = Vector3.right * mag * 0.5f; GameObject ccGO = capsule.CapsuleCollider.gameObject; ccGO.transform.SetParent(rbGO.transform, false); ccGO.transform.localPosition = p0; ccGO.transform.localRotation = rot; } } } private void Update() { #if UNITY_EDITOR if (ShouldInitialize()) { Initialize(); } #endif if (!IsInitialized || _dataProvider == null) { IsDataValid = false; IsDataHighConfidence = false; return; } var data = _dataProvider.GetSkeletonPoseData(); IsDataValid = data.IsDataValid; if (data.IsDataValid) { if (SkeletonChangedCount != data.SkeletonChangedCount) { SkeletonChangedCount = data.SkeletonChangedCount; IsInitialized = false; Initialize(); } IsDataHighConfidence = data.IsDataHighConfidence; if (_updateRootPose) { transform.localPosition = data.RootPose.Position.FromFlippedZVector3f(); transform.localRotation = data.RootPose.Orientation.FromFlippedZQuatf(); } if (_updateRootScale) { transform.localScale = new Vector3(data.RootScale, data.RootScale, data.RootScale); } for (var i = 0; i < _bones.Count; ++i) { if (_bones[i].Transform != null) { if (_skeletonType == SkeletonType.HandLeft || _skeletonType == SkeletonType.HandRight) { _bones[i].Transform.localRotation = data.BoneRotations[i].FromFlippedXQuatf(); if (_bones[i].Id == BoneId.Hand_WristRoot) { _bones[i].Transform.localRotation *= wristFixupRotation; } } else { _bones[i].Transform.localRotation = data.BoneRotations[i].FromFlippedZQuatf(); } } } } } private void FixedUpdate() { if (!IsInitialized || _dataProvider == null) { IsDataValid = false; IsDataHighConfidence = false; return; } Update(); if (_enablePhysicsCapsules) { var data = _dataProvider.GetSkeletonPoseData(); IsDataValid = data.IsDataValid; IsDataHighConfidence = data.IsDataHighConfidence; for (int i = 0; i < _capsules.Count; ++i) { OVRBoneCapsule capsule = _capsules[i]; var capsuleGO = capsule.CapsuleRigidbody.gameObject; if (data.IsDataValid && data.IsDataHighConfidence) { Transform bone = _bones[(int)capsule.BoneIndex].Transform; if (capsuleGO.activeSelf) { capsule.CapsuleRigidbody.MovePosition(bone.position); capsule.CapsuleRigidbody.MoveRotation(bone.rotation); } else { capsuleGO.SetActive(true); capsule.CapsuleRigidbody.position = bone.position; capsule.CapsuleRigidbody.rotation = bone.rotation; } } else { if (capsuleGO.activeSelf) { capsuleGO.SetActive(false); } } } } } public BoneId GetCurrentStartBoneId() { switch (_skeletonType) { case SkeletonType.HandLeft: case SkeletonType.HandRight: return BoneId.Hand_Start; case SkeletonType.None: default: return BoneId.Invalid; } } public BoneId GetCurrentEndBoneId() { switch (_skeletonType) { case SkeletonType.HandLeft: case SkeletonType.HandRight: return BoneId.Hand_End; case SkeletonType.None: default: return BoneId.Invalid; } } private BoneId GetCurrentMaxSkinnableBoneId() { switch (_skeletonType) { case SkeletonType.HandLeft: case SkeletonType.HandRight: return BoneId.Hand_MaxSkinnable; case SkeletonType.None: default: return BoneId.Invalid; } } public int GetCurrentNumBones() { switch (_skeletonType) { case SkeletonType.HandLeft: case SkeletonType.HandRight: return GetCurrentEndBoneId() - GetCurrentStartBoneId(); case SkeletonType.None: default: return 0; } } public int GetCurrentNumSkinnableBones() { switch (_skeletonType) { case SkeletonType.HandLeft: case SkeletonType.HandRight: return GetCurrentMaxSkinnableBoneId() - GetCurrentStartBoneId(); case SkeletonType.None: default: return 0; } } // force aliased enum values to the more appropriate value public static string BoneLabelFromBoneId(OVRSkeleton.SkeletonType skeletonType, BoneId boneId) { if (skeletonType == OVRSkeleton.SkeletonType.HandLeft || skeletonType == OVRSkeleton.SkeletonType.HandRight) { switch (boneId) { case OVRSkeleton.BoneId.Hand_WristRoot: return "Hand_WristRoot"; case OVRSkeleton.BoneId.Hand_ForearmStub: return "Hand_ForearmStub"; case OVRSkeleton.BoneId.Hand_Thumb0: return "Hand_Thumb0"; case OVRSkeleton.BoneId.Hand_Thumb1: return "Hand_Thumb1"; case OVRSkeleton.BoneId.Hand_Thumb2: return "Hand_Thumb2"; case OVRSkeleton.BoneId.Hand_Thumb3: return "Hand_Thumb3"; case OVRSkeleton.BoneId.Hand_Index1: return "Hand_Index1"; case OVRSkeleton.BoneId.Hand_Index2: return "Hand_Index2"; case OVRSkeleton.BoneId.Hand_Index3: return "Hand_Index3"; case OVRSkeleton.BoneId.Hand_Middle1: return "Hand_Middle1"; case OVRSkeleton.BoneId.Hand_Middle2: return "Hand_Middle2"; case OVRSkeleton.BoneId.Hand_Middle3: return "Hand_Middle3"; case OVRSkeleton.BoneId.Hand_Ring1: return "Hand_Ring1"; case OVRSkeleton.BoneId.Hand_Ring2: return "Hand_Ring2"; case OVRSkeleton.BoneId.Hand_Ring3: return "Hand_Ring3"; case OVRSkeleton.BoneId.Hand_Pinky0: return "Hand_Pinky0"; case OVRSkeleton.BoneId.Hand_Pinky1: return "Hand_Pinky1"; case OVRSkeleton.BoneId.Hand_Pinky2: return "Hand_Pinky2"; case OVRSkeleton.BoneId.Hand_Pinky3: return "Hand_Pinky3"; case OVRSkeleton.BoneId.Hand_ThumbTip: return "Hand_ThumbTip"; case OVRSkeleton.BoneId.Hand_IndexTip: return "Hand_IndexTip"; case OVRSkeleton.BoneId.Hand_MiddleTip: return "Hand_MiddleTip"; case OVRSkeleton.BoneId.Hand_RingTip: return "Hand_RingTip"; case OVRSkeleton.BoneId.Hand_PinkyTip: return "Hand_PinkyTip"; default: return "Hand_Unknown"; } } else { return "Skeleton_Unknown"; } } } public class OVRBone { public OVRSkeleton.BoneId Id { get; set; } public short ParentBoneIndex { get; set; } public Transform Transform { get; set; } public OVRBone() { } public OVRBone(OVRSkeleton.BoneId id, short parentBoneIndex, Transform trans) { Id = id; ParentBoneIndex = parentBoneIndex; Transform = trans; } } public class OVRBoneCapsule { public short BoneIndex { get; set; } public Rigidbody CapsuleRigidbody { get; set; } public CapsuleCollider CapsuleCollider { get; set; } public OVRBoneCapsule() { } public OVRBoneCapsule(short boneIndex, Rigidbody capsuleRigidBody, CapsuleCollider capsuleCollider) { BoneIndex = boneIndex; CapsuleRigidbody = capsuleRigidBody; CapsuleCollider = capsuleCollider; } }