/************************************************************************************ Copyright : Copyright (c) Facebook Technologies, LLC and its affiliates. All rights reserved. Your use of this SDK or tool is subject to the Oculus SDK License Agreement, available at https://developer.oculus.com/licenses/oculussdk/ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, the Utilities SDK distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. ************************************************************************************/ #if UNITY_ANDROID && !UNITY_EDITOR #define OVR_ANDROID_MRC #endif using UnityEngine; using System; using System.IO; #if UNITY_EDITOR_WIN || UNITY_STANDALONE_WIN || UNITY_ANDROID public class OVRMixedRealityCaptureSettings : ScriptableObject, OVRMixedRealityCaptureConfiguration { public bool enableMixedReality = false; public LayerMask extraHiddenLayers; public LayerMask extraVisibleLayers; public bool dynamicCullingMask = true; public OVRManager.CompositionMethod compositionMethod = OVRManager.CompositionMethod.External; public Color externalCompositionBackdropColorRift = Color.green; public Color externalCompositionBackdropColorQuest = Color.clear; public OVRManager.CameraDevice capturingCameraDevice = OVRManager.CameraDevice.WebCamera0; public bool flipCameraFrameHorizontally = false; public bool flipCameraFrameVertically = false; public float handPoseStateLatency = 0.0f; public float sandwichCompositionRenderLatency = 0.0f; public int sandwichCompositionBufferedFrames = 8; public Color chromaKeyColor = Color.green; public float chromaKeySimilarity = 0.6f; public float chromaKeySmoothRange = 0.03f; public float chromaKeySpillRange = 0.04f; public bool useDynamicLighting = false; public OVRManager.DepthQuality depthQuality = OVRManager.DepthQuality.Medium; public float dynamicLightingSmoothFactor = 8.0f; public float dynamicLightingDepthVariationClampingValue = 0.001f; public OVRManager.VirtualGreenScreenType virtualGreenScreenType = OVRManager.VirtualGreenScreenType.Off; public float virtualGreenScreenTopY; public float virtualGreenScreenBottomY; public bool virtualGreenScreenApplyDepthCulling = false; public float virtualGreenScreenDepthTolerance = 0.2f; public OVRManager.MrcActivationMode mrcActivationMode; // OVRMixedRealityCaptureConfiguration Interface implementation bool OVRMixedRealityCaptureConfiguration.enableMixedReality { get { return enableMixedReality; } set { enableMixedReality = value; } } LayerMask OVRMixedRealityCaptureConfiguration.extraHiddenLayers { get { return extraHiddenLayers; } set { extraHiddenLayers = value; } } LayerMask OVRMixedRealityCaptureConfiguration.extraVisibleLayers { get { return extraVisibleLayers; } set { extraVisibleLayers = value; } } bool OVRMixedRealityCaptureConfiguration.dynamicCullingMask { get { return dynamicCullingMask; } set { dynamicCullingMask = value; } } OVRManager.CompositionMethod OVRMixedRealityCaptureConfiguration.compositionMethod { get { return compositionMethod; } set { compositionMethod = value; } } Color OVRMixedRealityCaptureConfiguration.externalCompositionBackdropColorRift { get { return externalCompositionBackdropColorRift; } set { externalCompositionBackdropColorRift = value; } } Color OVRMixedRealityCaptureConfiguration.externalCompositionBackdropColorQuest { get { return externalCompositionBackdropColorQuest; } set { externalCompositionBackdropColorQuest = value; } } OVRManager.CameraDevice OVRMixedRealityCaptureConfiguration.capturingCameraDevice { get { return capturingCameraDevice; } set { capturingCameraDevice = value; } } bool OVRMixedRealityCaptureConfiguration.flipCameraFrameHorizontally { get { return flipCameraFrameHorizontally; } set { flipCameraFrameHorizontally = value; } } bool OVRMixedRealityCaptureConfiguration.flipCameraFrameVertically { get { return flipCameraFrameVertically; } set { flipCameraFrameVertically = value; } } float OVRMixedRealityCaptureConfiguration.handPoseStateLatency { get { return handPoseStateLatency; } set { handPoseStateLatency = value; } } float OVRMixedRealityCaptureConfiguration.sandwichCompositionRenderLatency { get { return sandwichCompositionRenderLatency; } set { sandwichCompositionRenderLatency = value; } } int OVRMixedRealityCaptureConfiguration.sandwichCompositionBufferedFrames { get { return sandwichCompositionBufferedFrames; } set { sandwichCompositionBufferedFrames = value; } } Color OVRMixedRealityCaptureConfiguration.chromaKeyColor { get { return chromaKeyColor; } set { chromaKeyColor = value; } } float OVRMixedRealityCaptureConfiguration.chromaKeySimilarity { get { return chromaKeySimilarity; } set { chromaKeySimilarity = value; } } float OVRMixedRealityCaptureConfiguration.chromaKeySmoothRange { get { return chromaKeySmoothRange; } set { chromaKeySmoothRange = value; } } float OVRMixedRealityCaptureConfiguration.chromaKeySpillRange { get { return chromaKeySpillRange; } set { chromaKeySpillRange = value; } } bool OVRMixedRealityCaptureConfiguration.useDynamicLighting { get { return useDynamicLighting; } set { useDynamicLighting = value; } } OVRManager.DepthQuality OVRMixedRealityCaptureConfiguration.depthQuality { get { return depthQuality; } set { depthQuality = value; } } float OVRMixedRealityCaptureConfiguration.dynamicLightingSmoothFactor { get { return dynamicLightingSmoothFactor; } set { dynamicLightingSmoothFactor = value; } } float OVRMixedRealityCaptureConfiguration.dynamicLightingDepthVariationClampingValue { get { return dynamicLightingDepthVariationClampingValue; } set { dynamicLightingDepthVariationClampingValue = value; } } OVRManager.VirtualGreenScreenType OVRMixedRealityCaptureConfiguration.virtualGreenScreenType { get { return virtualGreenScreenType; } set { virtualGreenScreenType = value; } } float OVRMixedRealityCaptureConfiguration.virtualGreenScreenTopY { get { return virtualGreenScreenTopY; } set { virtualGreenScreenTopY = value; } } float OVRMixedRealityCaptureConfiguration.virtualGreenScreenBottomY { get { return virtualGreenScreenBottomY; } set { virtualGreenScreenBottomY = value; } } bool OVRMixedRealityCaptureConfiguration.virtualGreenScreenApplyDepthCulling { get { return virtualGreenScreenApplyDepthCulling; } set { virtualGreenScreenApplyDepthCulling = value; } } float OVRMixedRealityCaptureConfiguration.virtualGreenScreenDepthTolerance { get { return virtualGreenScreenDepthTolerance; } set { virtualGreenScreenDepthTolerance = value; } } OVRManager.MrcActivationMode OVRMixedRealityCaptureConfiguration.mrcActivationMode { get { return mrcActivationMode; } set { mrcActivationMode = value; } } OVRManager.InstantiateMrcCameraDelegate OVRMixedRealityCaptureConfiguration.instantiateMixedRealityCameraGameObject { get; set; } #if UNITY_EDITOR_WIN || UNITY_STANDALONE_WIN // Rift MRC only const string configFileName = "mrc.config"; public void WriteToConfigurationFile() { string text = JsonUtility.ToJson(this, true); try { string configPath = Path.Combine(Application.dataPath, configFileName); Debug.Log("Write OVRMixedRealityCaptureSettings to " + configPath); File.WriteAllText(configPath, text); } catch(Exception e) { Debug.LogWarning("Exception caught " + e.Message); } } public void CombineWithConfigurationFile() { try { string configPath = Path.Combine(Application.dataPath, configFileName); if (File.Exists(configPath)) { Debug.Log("MixedRealityCapture configuration file found at " + configPath); string text = File.ReadAllText(configPath); Debug.Log("Apply MixedRealityCapture configuration"); JsonUtility.FromJsonOverwrite(text, this); } else { Debug.Log("MixedRealityCapture configuration file doesn't exist at " + configPath); } } catch(Exception e) { Debug.LogWarning("Exception caught " + e.Message); } } #endif } #endif