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using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using UnityEngine.UI;
/// Shows debug information on a heads-up display.
public class OVRDebugInfo : MonoBehaviour
#region GameObjects for Debug Information UIs
GameObject debugUIManager;
GameObject debugUIObject;
GameObject riftPresent;
GameObject fps;
GameObject ipd;
GameObject fov;
GameObject height;
GameObject depth;
GameObject resolutionEyeTexture;
GameObject latencies;
GameObject texts;
#region Debug strings
string strRiftPresent = null; // "VR DISABLED"
string strFPS = null; // "FPS: 0";
string strIPD = null; // "IPD: 0.000";
string strFOV = null; // "FOV: 0.0f";
string strHeight = null; // "Height: 0.0f";
string strDepth = null; // "Depth: 0.0f";
string strResolutionEyeTexture = null; // "Resolution : {0} x {1}"
string strLatencies = null; // "R: {0:F3} TW: {1:F3} PP: {2:F3} RE: {3:F3} TWE: {4:F3}"
/// Variables for FPS
float updateInterval = 0.5f;
float accum = 0.0f;
int frames = 0;
float timeLeft = 0.0f;
/// Managing for UI initialization
bool initUIComponent = false;
bool isInited = false;
/// UIs Y offset
float offsetY = 55.0f;
/// Managing for rift detection UI
float riftPresentTimeout = 0.0f;
/// Turn on / off VR variables
bool showVRVars = false;
#region MonoBehaviour handler
/// Initialization
void Awake()
// Create canvas for using new GUI
debugUIManager = new GameObject();
debugUIManager.name = "DebugUIManager";
debugUIManager.transform.parent = GameObject.Find("LeftEyeAnchor").transform;
RectTransform rectTransform = debugUIManager.AddComponent();
rectTransform.sizeDelta = new Vector2(100f, 100f);
rectTransform.localScale = new Vector3(0.001f, 0.001f, 0.001f);
rectTransform.localPosition = new Vector3(0.01f, 0.17f, 0.53f);
rectTransform.localEulerAngles = Vector3.zero;
Canvas canvas = debugUIManager.AddComponent