using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using TMPro; using Unity.Mathematics; using Unity.VisualScripting; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.XR.Interaction.Toolkit; [ExecuteAlways] public class InventoryItem : MonoBehaviour { public GameObject itemPrefab; private int _itemId; private GameObject _childPrefab; public int Count { get; private set; } public TMP_Text itemCounterText; private ItemData _itemData; private void OnEnable() { if (itemPrefab == null) { enabled = false; //Debug.LogError("Item has no attached prefab"); return; } enabled = true; if (itemCounterText == null) itemCounterText = GetComponentInChildren(); _childPrefab = GetComponentInChildren()?.gameObject; //Only attaches the prefab if it doesn't already have one ([ExecuteAlways] causes one to be spawned in editor). if (_childPrefab != null) return; _childPrefab = Instantiate(itemPrefab, transform); _childPrefab.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(0, -0.45f, 0); _childPrefab.transform.localScale = new Vector3(2, 2, 2); _childPrefab.transform.rotation = quaternion.identity; //Disable prefab components that arent relevant. var colliderComponent = _childPrefab.GetComponent(); if (colliderComponent != null) colliderComponent.enabled = false; var rigidbodyComponent = _childPrefab.GetComponent(); if (rigidbodyComponent != null) { rigidbodyComponent.isKinematic = true; rigidbodyComponent.useGravity = false; } var xrGrabInteractableComponent = _childPrefab.GetComponent(); if (xrGrabInteractableComponent != null) xrGrabInteractableComponent.enabled = false; } private void Start() { _itemData = _childPrefab.GetComponent(); if (_itemData == null) Debug.LogError("Item prefab has no attached ItemData", _childPrefab); _itemId = _itemData.itemId; if (Count == 0) Count = 1; UpdateText(); } private void UpdateText() { itemCounterText.text = _itemData.canStack ? Count.ToString() : ""; } /** * Changes how many items are in this itemcontainer. * Returns false if attempted to remove more items than exists in the container. */ public bool ChangeCount(int amount) { if (Count + amount < 0) return false; Count += amount; if (Count == 0) { //Destroys this gameobject if the count is 0 or lower Destroy(gameObject); return true; } UpdateText(); return true; } public void PopItem() { GameObject item = Instantiate(_itemData.prefab, transform.position + transform.forward, Quaternion.identity); item.transform.localScale =; =; var colliderComponent = item.GetComponent(); if (colliderComponent != null) colliderComponent.enabled = true; var rigidbodyComponent = item.GetComponent(); if (rigidbodyComponent != null) { rigidbodyComponent.isKinematic = false; rigidbodyComponent.useGravity = true; } var xrGrabInteractableComponent = item.GetComponent(); if (xrGrabInteractableComponent != null) xrGrabInteractableComponent.enabled = true; ChangeCount(-1); } public int GetItemid() { return _itemId; } public override string ToString() { return $"{base.ToString()}, Count: {Count}, ItemData: {_itemData}"; } }