fixed4 _ChromaKeyColor; float _ChromaKeySimilarity; float _ChromaKeySmoothRange; float _ChromaKeySpillRange; // float3 RGB2YUV(float3 rgb) { float r = rgb.x; float g = rgb.y; float b = rgb.z; float y = 0.2126 * r + 0.7152 * g + 0.0722 * b; float u = -0.09991 * r - 0.33609 * g + 0.436 * b; float v = 0.615 * r - 0.55861 * g - 0.05639 * b; return float3(y, u, v); } float3 YUV2RGB(float3 yuv) { float y = yuv.x; float u = yuv.y; float v = yuv.z; float r = y + 1.28033 * v; float g = y - 0.21482 * u - 0.38059 * v; float b = y + 2.12798 * u; return float3(r, g, b); } fixed4 GetCameraColor(float2 colorUV); float ColorDistance_YUV_YUV(float3 yuv1, float3 yuv2) { float dist = distance(yuv1.yz, yuv2.yz); // Increase the distance if the brightness of the first color is too high. // It fixed the error on the over exposure areas dist += saturate(yuv1.x - 0.9); return dist; } float ColorDistance_RGB_YUV(float3 rgb1, float3 yuv2) { float3 yuv1 = RGB2YUV(rgb1); return ColorDistance_YUV_YUV(yuv1, yuv2); } float ColorDistance_RGB_RGB(float3 rgb1, float3 rgb2) { float3 yuv1 = RGB2YUV(rgb1); float3 yuv2 = RGB2YUV(rgb2); return ColorDistance_YUV_YUV(yuv1, yuv2); } float RGB2Gray(float3 rgb) { float r = rgb.x; float g = rgb.y; float b = rgb.z; float y = 0.2126 * r + 0.7152 * g + 0.0722 * b; return y; } float GetAlphaFromDistance(float dist) { float result = smoothstep(_ChromaKeySimilarity, _ChromaKeySimilarity + _ChromaKeySmoothRange, dist); result = result * result; return result; } float GetSpillFromDistance(float dist) { float result = smoothstep(_ChromaKeySimilarity, _ChromaKeySimilarity + _ChromaKeySpillRange, dist); result = result * result * result; return result; } float4 GetColorAfterChromaKey(float2 UV, float2 deltaUV, float step) { float3 chromaColor = _ChromaKeyColor.rgb; float3 chromaYUV = RGB2YUV(chromaColor); float dist = 0.0; const int samples = 3; float offset = ((float)samples - 1.0) / 2.0; for (int i = 0; i < samples; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < samples; ++j) { fixed4 color = GetCameraColor(UV + float2((float)i - offset, (float)j - offset) * deltaUV * step); float d = ColorDistance_RGB_YUV(color, chromaYUV); dist += d; } } dist /= (samples * samples); fixed4 centerColor = GetCameraColor(UV); float alpha = GetAlphaFromDistance(dist); float spill = GetSpillFromDistance(dist); float gray = RGB2Gray(centerColor.rgb); float4 outColor; outColor.rgb = lerp(float3(gray, gray, gray), centerColor.rgb, spill); outColor.a = alpha; return outColor; }