merge fixes and icebolt tweaks

This commit is contained in:
joonasp 2022-04-14 17:56:04 +03:00
parent be8b9a987d
commit 5bf99356ff
16 changed files with 1490 additions and 36926 deletions

View File

@ -4834,7 +4834,6 @@ GameObject:
- component: {fileID: 3928666337405863709}
- component: {fileID: 824121554007831541}
- component: {fileID: 3271421586109646936}
- component: {fileID: 6090694805862981561}
- component: {fileID: 6268334591715512481}
- component: {fileID: 7195648623186244198}
m_Layer: 10
@ -4901,19 +4900,6 @@ SphereCollider:
serializedVersion: 2
m_Radius: 0.5
m_Center: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
--- !u!135 &6090694805862981561
m_ObjectHideFlags: 0
m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0}
m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0}
m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0}
m_GameObject: {fileID: 3928666337405863711}
m_Material: {fileID: 0}
m_IsTrigger: 1
m_Enabled: 1
serializedVersion: 2
m_Radius: 0.5
m_Center: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
--- !u!33 &6268334591715512481
m_ObjectHideFlags: 0

View File

@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
%YAML 1.1
%TAG !u!,2011:
--- !u!1 &3917053023338471789
m_ObjectHideFlags: 0
m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0}
m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0}
m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0}
serializedVersion: 6
- component: {fileID: 4402262400481754071}
- component: {fileID: 772404450966566002}
- component: {fileID: 3268723311598239928}
- component: {fileID: 5154885136569341264}
m_Layer: 0
m_Name: shield_spell
m_TagString: Untagged
m_Icon: {fileID: 0}
m_NavMeshLayer: 0
m_StaticEditorFlags: 0
m_IsActive: 1
--- !u!4 &4402262400481754071
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m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0
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--- !u!33 &772404450966566002
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m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0}
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--- !u!23 &3268723311598239928
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m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0}
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m_RayTraceProcedural: 0
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--- !u!64 &5154885136569341264
m_ObjectHideFlags: 0
m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0}
m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0}
m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0}
m_GameObject: {fileID: 3917053023338471789}
m_Material: {fileID: 0}
m_IsTrigger: 0
m_Enabled: 1
serializedVersion: 4
m_Convex: 0
m_CookingOptions: 30
m_Mesh: {fileID: -462981019419857548, guid: 61bc520e906d62948ad0190bdafa7e0b, type: 3}

View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
fileFormatVersion: 2
guid: 0a355e1838d63064c90e1022e869ce87
externalObjects: {}

View File

@ -23,16 +23,12 @@ public class ActionGestureInteraction : MonoBehaviour
/* todo: playerinfo doesnt have these methods?
if (player.GetComponent<PlayerInfo>().GetRightHand() != null)
if (player.GetComponent<PlayerInfo>().GetRightHand().name.Equals("wand")) holdingWand = true;
else holdingWand = false;
switch (action)

View File

@ -4,15 +4,23 @@ using UnityEngine;
public class PlayerInfo : MonoBehaviour
public static PlayerInfo Instance;
private int health;
private int essence_basic;
//Add elemental essences?
private GameObject rightHandHeld;
private GameObject leftHandHeld;
private void Awake()
Instance = this;
health = 5;
essence_basic = 0;
rightHandHeld = null;
leftHandHeld = null;
public void AddHealth(int value)
@ -28,8 +36,31 @@ public class PlayerInfo : MonoBehaviour
if (essence_basic + value < 0)
else essence_basic += value;
public void AddLeftHand(GameObject obj)
leftHandHeld = obj;
public void AddRightHand(GameObject obj)
rightHandHeld = obj;
public void RemoveLeftHand()
leftHandHeld = null;
public void RemoveRightHand()
rightHandHeld = null;
public GameObject GetRightHand() { return rightHandHeld; }
public GameObject GetLeftHand() { return leftHandHeld; }

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

View File

@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
fileFormatVersion: 2
guid: b5e52a1ec3144c3698b70a852c266400
timeCreated: 1649692466

View File

@ -90,19 +90,19 @@ Material:
- _HorizonCloudSize: 4.91
- _HorizonCloudStartPosition: -0.1
- _HorizonCloudStep: 25
- _HorizonExponent: 3.3921747
- _HorizonExponent: 3.4589782
- _HorizonStep: 500
- _HorizonThickness: 1
- _MoonGlow: 0
- _MoonLightIntensity: 0.00034078956
- _MoonLightIntensity: 0.0000015348196
- _MoonSize: 0
- _MoonSoftEdge: 0
- _OverheadCloudAltitude: 1000
- _OverheadCloudAnimationSpeed: 50
- _OverheadCloudFlowDirectionX: 1
- _OverheadCloudFlowDirectionZ: 1
- _OverheadCloudRemapMax: 1.074074
- _OverheadCloudRemapMin: 0.111940965
- _OverheadCloudRemapMax: 1.1018893
- _OverheadCloudRemapMin: 0.13329326
- _OverheadCloudSize: 10
- _OverheadCloudStep: 2
- _StarsDensity0: 0.4
@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ Material:
- _StarsGlow0: 0.01
- _StarsGlow1: 0.01
- _StarsGlow2: 0.01
- _StarsOpacity: 0.0009148121
- _StarsOpacity: 0
- _StarsSize0: 0.42
- _StarsSize1: 0.53
- _StarsSize2: 0.46
@ -121,25 +121,25 @@ Material:
- _StarsTwinkle1: 6
- _StarsTwinkle2: 2
- _SunGlow: 0.45
- _SunLightIntensity: 0.22252172
- _SunLightIntensity: 0.25629184
- _SunSize: 0.1
- _SunSoftEdge: 0.5
- _DetailOverlayTintColor: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
- _FogColor: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
- _GroundColor: {r: 0.4100945, g: 0.38965663, b: 0.42924377, a: 1}
- _GroundColor: {r: 0.4134524, g: 0.39377788, b: 0.43188646, a: 1}
- _HorizonCloudColor: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1}
- _HorizonColor: {r: 0.9055729, g: 0.85231304, b: 0.741789, a: 1}
- _HorizonColor: {r: 0.90410525, g: 0.856772, b: 0.75033885, a: 1}
- _MoonColor: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 0}
- _MoonDirection: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 0}
- _MoonLightColor: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
- _OverheadCloudColor: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 0.9640542}
- _SkyColor: {r: 0.20533016, g: 0.35421106, b: 0.5882197, a: 1}
- _OverheadCloudColor: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 0.96884954}
- _SkyColor: {r: 0.21153876, g: 0.3702592, b: 0.6066941, a: 1}
- _StarsColor0: {r: 0.96470594, g: 0.9450981, b: 0.76470596, a: 1}
- _StarsColor1: {r: 1, g: 0.5294118, b: 0.93725497, a: 1}
- _StarsColor2: {r: 0, g: 0.92549026, b: 1, a: 1}
- _SunColor: {r: 0.9742516, g: 0.93176544, b: 0.86166334, a: 1}
- _SunDirection: {r: 0, g: -0.258819, b: 0.9659258, a: 0}
- _SunColor: {r: 0.9735647, g: 0.92994505, b: 0.8579726, a: 1}
- _SunDirection: {r: 0, g: -0.30571675, b: 0.9521225, a: 0}
- _SunLightColor: {r: 1, g: 0.9929226, b: 0.9009434, a: 1}
m_BuildTextureStacks: []
--- !u!114 &11400000

View File

@ -250,9 +250,9 @@ MonoBehaviour:
colorByNormalPropertyName: _ColorByNormal
colorBlendPropertyName: _ColorBlend
dimensionPropertyName: _Dimension
colorByHeightMap: {fileID: 5600802747215712828}
colorByNormalMap: {fileID: 4387930893138807582}
colorBlendMap: {fileID: 567659264843545098}
colorByHeightMap: {fileID: 7937926164014354006}
colorByNormalMap: {fileID: 1824847980210742918}
colorBlendMap: {fileID: -1989707927698212272}
splats: {fileID: 11400000, guid: a3cfde07cd0a9f4488f10294d27e360e, type: 2}
splatControlResolution: 512
splatControls: []
@ -276,26 +276,7 @@ MonoBehaviour:
terrainData: {fileID: 11400000}
maskMapResolution: 256
maskMap: {fileID: 0}
--- !u!114 &11400000
m_ObjectHideFlags: 0
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m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0}
m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0}
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m_Enabled: 1
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id: 521113671563848736
geometry: {fileID: -8348571099446269230}
shading: {fileID: -6296467136306377332}
rendering: {fileID: 1146199632233519638}
foliage: {fileID: 966795845191840372}
mask: {fileID: -4957312979561511316}
geometryData: {fileID: 11400000, guid: 8c5f1bd1dc4449b4498c41f28a74d012, type: 2}
--- !u!28 &567659264843545098
--- !u!28 &-1989707927698212272
m_ObjectHideFlags: 0
m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0}
@ -342,6 +323,25 @@ Texture2D:
offset: 0
size: 0
--- !u!114 &11400000
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m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0}
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m_Enabled: 1
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id: 521113671563848736
geometry: {fileID: -8348571099446269230}
shading: {fileID: -6296467136306377332}
rendering: {fileID: 1146199632233519638}
foliage: {fileID: 966795845191840372}
mask: {fileID: -4957312979561511316}
geometryData: {fileID: 11400000, guid: 8c5f1bd1dc4449b4498c41f28a74d012, type: 2}
--- !u!114 &966795845191840372
m_ObjectHideFlags: 0
@ -2955,7 +2955,7 @@ MonoBehaviour:
treeDistance: 200
grassDistance: 100
grassFadeStart: 0.75
--- !u!28 &4387930893138807582
--- !u!28 &1824847980210742918
m_ObjectHideFlags: 0
m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0}
@ -3002,7 +3002,7 @@ Texture2D:
offset: 0
size: 0
--- !u!28 &5600802747215712828
--- !u!28 &7937926164014354006
m_ObjectHideFlags: 0
m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0}

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

View File

@ -27,17 +27,17 @@ Material:
m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1}
m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0}
- _ColorBlend:
m_Texture: {fileID: 567659264843545098, guid: b6bbea2e1167a7346822545139402874,
m_Texture: {fileID: -1989707927698212272, guid: b6bbea2e1167a7346822545139402874,
type: 2}
m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1}
m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0}
- _ColorByHeight:
m_Texture: {fileID: 5600802747215712828, guid: b6bbea2e1167a7346822545139402874,
m_Texture: {fileID: 7937926164014354006, guid: b6bbea2e1167a7346822545139402874,
type: 2}
m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1}
m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0}
- _ColorByNormal:
m_Texture: {fileID: 4387930893138807582, guid: b6bbea2e1167a7346822545139402874,
m_Texture: {fileID: 1824847980210742918, guid: b6bbea2e1167a7346822545139402874,
type: 2}
m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1}
m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0}

View File

@ -40,17 +40,17 @@ Material:
m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1}
m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0}
- _ColorBlend:
m_Texture: {fileID: -8225046794103038699, guid: 726ce83d589353742be6b48ff467fc48,
m_Texture: {fileID: 8107136639599825324, guid: 726ce83d589353742be6b48ff467fc48,
type: 2}
m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1}
m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0}
- _ColorByHeight:
m_Texture: {fileID: 6831111675755459306, guid: 726ce83d589353742be6b48ff467fc48,
m_Texture: {fileID: 3516647102606722172, guid: 726ce83d589353742be6b48ff467fc48,
type: 2}
m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1}
m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0}
- _ColorByNormal:
m_Texture: {fileID: 165637708112304383, guid: 726ce83d589353742be6b48ff467fc48,
m_Texture: {fileID: 4906480472719197437, guid: 726ce83d589353742be6b48ff467fc48,
type: 2}
m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1}
m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0}

View File

@ -40,17 +40,17 @@ Material:
m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1}
m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0}
- _ColorBlend:
m_Texture: {fileID: 3234995293974440031, guid: 7f589c682d367b442b8cf75918f5aa55,
m_Texture: {fileID: -9047105083863647604, guid: 7f589c682d367b442b8cf75918f5aa55,
type: 2}
m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1}
m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0}
- _ColorByHeight:
m_Texture: {fileID: 7438741728987644076, guid: 7f589c682d367b442b8cf75918f5aa55,
m_Texture: {fileID: 3290042660671939480, guid: 7f589c682d367b442b8cf75918f5aa55,
type: 2}
m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1}
m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0}
- _ColorByNormal:
m_Texture: {fileID: -7540841678319409431, guid: 7f589c682d367b442b8cf75918f5aa55,
m_Texture: {fileID: -1827338606171078033, guid: 7f589c682d367b442b8cf75918f5aa55,
type: 2}
m_Scale: {x: 1, y: 1}
m_Offset: {x: 0, y: 0}

View File

@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ PhysicsManager:
m_ClothInterCollisionDistance: 0
m_ClothInterCollisionStiffness: 0
m_ContactsGeneration: 1
m_LayerCollisionMatrix: fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffbfffffffdffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff
m_LayerCollisionMatrix: fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffbfffffff9ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff
m_AutoSimulation: 1
m_AutoSyncTransforms: 1
m_ReuseCollisionCallbacks: 1