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// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// <summary>The Photon Chat Api enables clients to connect to a chat server and communicate with other clients.</summary>
// <remarks>ChatClient is the main class of this api.</remarks>
// <copyright company="Exit Games GmbH">Photon Chat Api - Copyright (C) 2014 Exit Games GmbH</copyright>
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#if UNITY_4_7 || UNITY_5 || UNITY_5_3_OR_NEWER
namespace Photon.Chat
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using ExitGames.Client.Photon;
using Hashtable = ExitGames.Client.Photon.Hashtable;
using SupportClass = ExitGames.Client.Photon.SupportClass;
/// <summary>
/// Provides basic operations of the Photon Chat server. This internal class is used by public ChatClient.
/// </summary>
public class ChatPeer : PhotonPeer
/// <summary>Name Server Host Name for Photon Cloud. Without port and without any prefix.</summary>
public string NameServerHost = "ns.photonengine.io";
/// <summary>Name Server port per protocol (the UDP port is different than TCP, etc).</summary>
private static readonly Dictionary<ConnectionProtocol, int> ProtocolToNameServerPort = new Dictionary<ConnectionProtocol, int>() { { ConnectionProtocol.Udp, 5058 }, { ConnectionProtocol.Tcp, 4533 }, { ConnectionProtocol.WebSocket, 9093 }, { ConnectionProtocol.WebSocketSecure, 19093 } }; //, { ConnectionProtocol.RHttp, 6063 } };
/// <summary>Name Server Address for Photon Cloud (based on current protocol). You can use the default values and usually won't have to set this value.</summary>
public string NameServerAddress { get { return this.GetNameServerAddress(); } }
virtual internal bool IsProtocolSecure { get { return this.UsedProtocol == ConnectionProtocol.WebSocketSecure; } }
/// <summary> Chat Peer constructor. </summary>
/// <param name="listener">Chat listener implementation.</param>
/// <param name="protocol">Protocol to be used by the peer.</param>
public ChatPeer(IPhotonPeerListener listener, ConnectionProtocol protocol) : base(listener, protocol)
// Sets up the socket implementations to use, depending on platform
private void ConfigUnitySockets()
Type websocketType = null;
websocketType = Type.GetType("ExitGames.Client.Photon.SocketNativeSource, Assembly-CSharp", false);
if (websocketType == null)
websocketType = Type.GetType("ExitGames.Client.Photon.SocketNativeSource, Assembly-CSharp-firstpass", false);
if (websocketType == null)
websocketType = Type.GetType("ExitGames.Client.Photon.SocketNativeSource, PhotonRealtime", false);
if (websocketType != null)
this.SocketImplementationConfig[ConnectionProtocol.Udp] = websocketType; // on Xbox, the native socket plugin supports UDP as well
// to support WebGL export in Unity, we find and assign the SocketWebTcp class (if it's in the project).
// alternatively class SocketWebTcp might be in the Photon3Unity3D.dll
websocketType = Type.GetType("ExitGames.Client.Photon.SocketWebTcp, PhotonWebSocket", false);
if (websocketType == null)
websocketType = Type.GetType("ExitGames.Client.Photon.SocketWebTcp, Assembly-CSharp-firstpass", false);
if (websocketType == null)
websocketType = Type.GetType("ExitGames.Client.Photon.SocketWebTcp, Assembly-CSharp", false);
if (websocketType != null)
this.SocketImplementationConfig[ConnectionProtocol.WebSocket] = websocketType;
this.SocketImplementationConfig[ConnectionProtocol.WebSocketSecure] = websocketType;
this.SocketImplementationConfig[ConnectionProtocol.Udp] = typeof(SocketUdpAsync);
this.SocketImplementationConfig[ConnectionProtocol.Tcp] = typeof(SocketTcpAsync);
/// <summary>If not zero, this is used for the name server port on connect. Independent of protocol (so this better matches). Set by ChatClient.ConnectUsingSettings.</summary>
/// <remarks>This is reset when the protocol fallback is used.</remarks>
public ushort NameServerPortOverride;
/// <summary>
/// Gets the NameServer Address (with prefix and port), based on the set protocol (this.UsedProtocol).
/// </summary>
/// <returns>NameServer Address (with prefix and port).</returns>
private string GetNameServerAddress()
var protocolPort = 0;
ProtocolToNameServerPort.TryGetValue(this.TransportProtocol, out protocolPort);
if (this.NameServerPortOverride != 0)
this.Listener.DebugReturn(DebugLevel.INFO, string.Format("Using NameServerPortInAppSettings as port for Name Server: {0}", this.NameServerPortOverride));
protocolPort = this.NameServerPortOverride;
switch (this.TransportProtocol)
case ConnectionProtocol.Udp:
case ConnectionProtocol.Tcp:
return string.Format("{0}:{1}", NameServerHost, protocolPort);
case ConnectionProtocol.WebSocket:
return string.Format("ws://{0}:{1}", NameServerHost, protocolPort);
case ConnectionProtocol.WebSocketSecure:
return string.Format("wss://{0}:{1}", NameServerHost, protocolPort);
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();
/// <summary> Connects to NameServer. </summary>
/// <returns>If the connection attempt could be sent.</returns>
public bool Connect()
if (this.DebugOut >= DebugLevel.INFO)
this.Listener.DebugReturn(DebugLevel.INFO, "Connecting to nameserver " + this.NameServerAddress);
return this.Connect(this.NameServerAddress, "NameServer");
/// <summary> Authenticates on NameServer. </summary>
/// <returns>If the authentication operation request could be sent.</returns>
public bool AuthenticateOnNameServer(string appId, string appVersion, string region, AuthenticationValues authValues)
if (this.DebugOut >= DebugLevel.INFO)
this.Listener.DebugReturn(DebugLevel.INFO, "OpAuthenticate()");
var opParameters = new Dictionary<byte, object>();
opParameters[ParameterCode.AppVersion] = appVersion;
opParameters[ParameterCode.ApplicationId] = appId;
opParameters[ParameterCode.Region] = region;
if (authValues != null)
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(authValues.UserId))
opParameters[ParameterCode.UserId] = authValues.UserId;
if (authValues.AuthType != CustomAuthenticationType.None)
opParameters[ParameterCode.ClientAuthenticationType] = (byte) authValues.AuthType;
if (authValues.Token != null)
opParameters[ParameterCode.Secret] = authValues.Token;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(authValues.AuthGetParameters))
opParameters[ParameterCode.ClientAuthenticationParams] = authValues.AuthGetParameters;
if (authValues.AuthPostData != null)
opParameters[ParameterCode.ClientAuthenticationData] = authValues.AuthPostData;
return this.SendOperation(ChatOperationCode.Authenticate, opParameters, new SendOptions() { Reliability = true, Encrypt = this.IsEncryptionAvailable });
/// <summary>
/// Options for optional "Custom Authentication" services used with Photon. Used by OpAuthenticate after connecting to Photon.
/// </summary>
public enum CustomAuthenticationType : byte
/// <summary>Use a custom authentication service. Currently the only implemented option.</summary>
Custom = 0,
/// <summary>Authenticates users by their Steam Account. Set Steam's ticket as "ticket" via AddAuthParameter().</summary>
Steam = 1,
/// <summary>Authenticates users by their Facebook Account. Set Facebooks's tocken as "token" via AddAuthParameter().</summary>
Facebook = 2,
/// <summary>Authenticates users by their Oculus Account and token. Set Oculus' userid as "userid" and nonce as "nonce" via AddAuthParameter().</summary>
Oculus = 3,
/// <summary>Authenticates users by their PSN Account and token on PS4. Set token as "token", env as "env" and userName as "userName" via AddAuthParameter().</summary>
PlayStation4 = 4,
[Obsolete("Use PlayStation4 or PlayStation5 as needed")]
PlayStation = 4,
/// <summary>Authenticates users by their Xbox Account. Pass the XSTS token via SetAuthPostData().</summary>
Xbox = 5,
/// <summary>Authenticates users by their HTC Viveport Account. Set userToken as "userToken" via AddAuthParameter().</summary>
Viveport = 10,
/// <summary>Authenticates users by their NSA ID. Set token as "token" and appversion as "appversion" via AddAuthParameter(). The appversion is optional.</summary>
NintendoSwitch = 11,
/// <summary>Authenticates users by their PSN Account and token on PS5. Set token as "token", env as "env" and userName as "userName" via AddAuthParameter().</summary>
PlayStation5 = 12,
[Obsolete("Use PlayStation4 or PlayStation5 as needed")]
Playstation5 = 12,
/// <summary>Authenticates users with Epic Online Services (EOS). Set token as "token" and ownershipToken as "ownershipToken" via AddAuthParameter(). The ownershipToken is optional.</summary>
Epic = 13,
/// <summary>Authenticates users with Facebook Gaming api. Set token as "token" via AddAuthParameter().</summary>
FacebookGaming = 15,
/// <summary>Disables custom authentication. Same as not providing any AuthenticationValues for connect (more precisely for: OpAuthenticate).</summary>
None = byte.MaxValue
/// <summary>
/// Container for user authentication in Photon. Set AuthValues before you connect - all else is handled.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// On Photon, user authentication is optional but can be useful in many cases.
/// If you want to FindFriends, a unique ID per user is very practical.
/// There are basically three options for user authentication: None at all, the client sets some UserId
/// or you can use some account web-service to authenticate a user (and set the UserId server-side).
/// Custom Authentication lets you verify end-users by some kind of login or token. It sends those
/// values to Photon which will verify them before granting access or disconnecting the client.
/// The AuthValues are sent in OpAuthenticate when you connect, so they must be set before you connect.
/// If the AuthValues.UserId is null or empty when it's sent to the server, then the Photon Server assigns a UserId!
/// The Photon Cloud Dashboard will let you enable this feature and set important server values for it.
/// https://dashboard.photonengine.com
/// </remarks>
public class AuthenticationValues
/// <summary>See AuthType.</summary>
private CustomAuthenticationType authType = CustomAuthenticationType.None;
/// <summary>The type of authentication provider that should be used. Defaults to None (no auth whatsoever).</summary>
/// <remarks>Several auth providers are available and CustomAuthenticationType.Custom can be used if you build your own service.</remarks>
public CustomAuthenticationType AuthType
get { return authType; }
set { authType = value; }
/// <summary>This string must contain any (http get) parameters expected by the used authentication service. By default, username and token.</summary>
/// <remarks>
/// Maps to operation parameter 216.
/// Standard http get parameters are used here and passed on to the service that's defined in the server (Photon Cloud Dashboard).
/// </remarks>
public string AuthGetParameters { get; set; }
/// <summary>Data to be passed-on to the auth service via POST. Default: null (not sent). Either string or byte[] (see setters).</summary>
/// <remarks>Maps to operation parameter 214.</remarks>
public object AuthPostData { get; private set; }
/// <summary>Internal <b>Photon token</b>. After initial authentication, Photon provides a token for this client, subsequently used as (cached) validation.</summary>
/// <remarks>Any token for custom authentication should be set via SetAuthPostData or AddAuthParameter.</remarks>
public object Token { get; protected internal set; }
/// <summary>The UserId should be a unique identifier per user. This is for finding friends, etc..</summary>
/// <remarks>See remarks of AuthValues for info about how this is set and used.</remarks>
public string UserId { get; set; }
/// <summary>Creates empty auth values without any info.</summary>
public AuthenticationValues()
/// <summary>Creates minimal info about the user. If this is authenticated or not, depends on the set AuthType.</summary>
/// <param name="userId">Some UserId to set in Photon.</param>
public AuthenticationValues(string userId)
this.UserId = userId;
/// <summary>Sets the data to be passed-on to the auth service via POST.</summary>
/// <remarks>AuthPostData is just one value. Each SetAuthPostData replaces any previous value. It can be either a string, a byte[] or a dictionary.</remarks>
/// <param name="stringData">String data to be used in the body of the POST request. Null or empty string will set AuthPostData to null.</param>
public virtual void SetAuthPostData(string stringData)
this.AuthPostData = (string.IsNullOrEmpty(stringData)) ? null : stringData;
/// <summary>Sets the data to be passed-on to the auth service via POST.</summary>
/// <remarks>AuthPostData is just one value. Each SetAuthPostData replaces any previous value. It can be either a string, a byte[] or a dictionary.</remarks>
/// <param name="byteData">Binary token / auth-data to pass on.</param>
public virtual void SetAuthPostData(byte[] byteData)
this.AuthPostData = byteData;
/// <summary>Sets data to be passed-on to the auth service as Json (Content-Type: "application/json") via Post.</summary>
/// <remarks>AuthPostData is just one value. Each SetAuthPostData replaces any previous value. It can be either a string, a byte[] or a dictionary.</remarks>
/// <param name="dictData">A authentication-data dictionary will be converted to Json and passed to the Auth webservice via HTTP Post.</param>
public virtual void SetAuthPostData(Dictionary<string, object> dictData)
this.AuthPostData = dictData;
/// <summary>Adds a key-value pair to the get-parameters used for Custom Auth (AuthGetParameters).</summary>
/// <remarks>This method does uri-encoding for you.</remarks>
/// <param name="key">Key for the value to set.</param>
/// <param name="value">Some value relevant for Custom Authentication.</param>
public virtual void AddAuthParameter(string key, string value)
string ampersand = string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.AuthGetParameters) ? "" : "&";
this.AuthGetParameters = string.Format("{0}{1}{2}={3}", this.AuthGetParameters, ampersand, System.Uri.EscapeDataString(key), System.Uri.EscapeDataString(value));
/// <summary>
/// Transform this object into string.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>string representation of this object.</returns>
public override string ToString()
return string.Format("AuthenticationValues Type: {3} UserId: {0}, GetParameters: {1} Token available: {2}", this.UserId, this.AuthGetParameters, this.Token != null, this.AuthType);
/// <summary>
/// Make a copy of the current object.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="copy">The object to be copied into.</param>
/// <returns>The copied object.</returns>
public AuthenticationValues CopyTo(AuthenticationValues copy)
copy.AuthType = this.AuthType;
copy.AuthGetParameters = this.AuthGetParameters;
copy.AuthPostData = this.AuthPostData;
copy.UserId = this.UserId;
return copy;
/// <summary>Class for constants. Codes for parameters of Operations and Events.</summary>
public class ParameterCode
/// <summary>(224) Your application's ID: a name on your own Photon or a GUID on the Photon Cloud</summary>
public const byte ApplicationId = 224;
/// <summary>(221) Internally used to establish encryption</summary>
public const byte Secret = 221;
/// <summary>(220) Version of your application</summary>
public const byte AppVersion = 220;
/// <summary>(217) This key's (byte) value defines the target custom authentication type/service the client connects with. Used in OpAuthenticate</summary>
public const byte ClientAuthenticationType = 217;
/// <summary>(216) This key's (string) value provides parameters sent to the custom authentication type/service the client connects with. Used in OpAuthenticate</summary>
public const byte ClientAuthenticationParams = 216;
/// <summary>(214) This key's (string or byte[]) value provides parameters sent to the custom authentication service setup in Photon Dashboard. Used in OpAuthenticate</summary>
public const byte ClientAuthenticationData = 214;
/// <summary>(210) Used for region values in OpAuth and OpGetRegions.</summary>
public const byte Region = 210;
/// <summary>(230) Address of a (game) server to use.</summary>
public const byte Address = 230;
/// <summary>(225) User's ID</summary>
public const byte UserId = 225;
/// <summary>
/// ErrorCode defines the default codes associated with Photon client/server communication.
/// </summary>
public class ErrorCode
/// <summary>(0) is always "OK", anything else an error or specific situation.</summary>
public const int Ok = 0;
// server - Photon low(er) level: <= 0
/// <summary>
/// (-3) Operation can't be executed yet (e.g. OpJoin can't be called before being authenticated, RaiseEvent cant be used before getting into a room).
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// Before you call any operations on the Cloud servers, the automated client workflow must complete its authorization.
/// In PUN, wait until State is: JoinedLobby or ConnectedToMaster
/// </remarks>
public const int OperationNotAllowedInCurrentState = -3;
/// <summary>(-2) The operation you called is not implemented on the server (application) you connect to. Make sure you run the fitting applications.</summary>
public const int InvalidOperationCode = -2;
/// <summary>(-1) Something went wrong in the server. Try to reproduce and contact Exit Games.</summary>
public const int InternalServerError = -1;
// server - PhotonNetwork: 0x7FFF and down
// logic-level error codes start with short.max
/// <summary>(32767) Authentication failed. Possible cause: AppId is unknown to Photon (in cloud service).</summary>
public const int InvalidAuthentication = 0x7FFF;
/// <summary>(32766) GameId (name) already in use (can't create another). Change name.</summary>
public const int GameIdAlreadyExists = 0x7FFF - 1;
/// <summary>(32765) Game is full. This rarely happens when some player joined the room before your join completed.</summary>
public const int GameFull = 0x7FFF - 2;
/// <summary>(32764) Game is closed and can't be joined. Join another game.</summary>
public const int GameClosed = 0x7FFF - 3;
/// <summary>(32762) Not in use currently.</summary>
public const int ServerFull = 0x7FFF - 5;
/// <summary>(32761) Not in use currently.</summary>
public const int UserBlocked = 0x7FFF - 6;
/// <summary>(32760) Random matchmaking only succeeds if a room exists that is neither closed nor full. Repeat in a few seconds or create a new room.</summary>
public const int NoRandomMatchFound = 0x7FFF - 7;
/// <summary>(32758) Join can fail if the room (name) is not existing (anymore). This can happen when players leave while you join.</summary>
public const int GameDoesNotExist = 0x7FFF - 9;
/// <summary>(32757) Authorization on the Photon Cloud failed because the concurrent users (CCU) limit of the app's subscription is reached.</summary>
/// <remarks>
/// Unless you have a plan with "CCU Burst", clients might fail the authentication step during connect.
/// Affected client are unable to call operations. Please note that players who end a game and return
/// to the master server will disconnect and re-connect, which means that they just played and are rejected
/// in the next minute / re-connect.
/// This is a temporary measure. Once the CCU is below the limit, players will be able to connect an play again.
/// OpAuthorize is part of connection workflow but only on the Photon Cloud, this error can happen.
/// Self-hosted Photon servers with a CCU limited license won't let a client connect at all.
/// </remarks>
public const int MaxCcuReached = 0x7FFF - 10;
/// <summary>(32756) Authorization on the Photon Cloud failed because the app's subscription does not allow to use a particular region's server.</summary>
/// <remarks>
/// Some subscription plans for the Photon Cloud are region-bound. Servers of other regions can't be used then.
/// Check your master server address and compare it with your Photon Cloud Dashboard's info.
/// https://cloud.photonengine.com/dashboard
/// OpAuthorize is part of connection workflow but only on the Photon Cloud, this error can happen.
/// Self-hosted Photon servers with a CCU limited license won't let a client connect at all.
/// </remarks>
public const int InvalidRegion = 0x7FFF - 11;
/// <summary>
/// (32755) Custom Authentication of the user failed due to setup reasons (see Cloud Dashboard) or the provided user data (like username or token). Check error message for details.
/// </summary>
public const int CustomAuthenticationFailed = 0x7FFF - 12;
/// <summary>(32753) The Authentication ticket expired. Usually, this is refreshed behind the scenes. Connect (and authorize) again.</summary>
public const int AuthenticationTicketExpired = 0x7FF1;