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2022-03-07 15:52:41 +00:00
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Audio;
namespace OVR
public enum SoundFXNext {
Random = 0,
Sequential = 1,
public enum FreqHint {
None = 0,
Wide = 1,
Narrow = 2,
public enum SoundPriority {
VeryLow = -2,
Low = -1,
Default = 0,
High = 1,
VeryHigh = 2,
public class OSPProps {
public OSPProps() {
enableSpatialization = false;
useFastOverride = false;
gain = 0.0f;
enableInvSquare = false;
volumetric = 0.0f;
invSquareFalloff = new Vector2( 1.0f, 25.0f );
[Tooltip( "Set to true to play the sound FX spatialized with binaural HRTF, default = false")]
public bool enableSpatialization = false;
[Tooltip( "Play the sound FX with reflections, default = false")]
public bool useFastOverride = false;
[Tooltip( "Boost the gain on the spatialized sound FX, default = 0.0")]
[Range( 0.0f, 24.0f )]
public float gain = 0.0f;
[Tooltip("Enable Inverse Square attenuation curve, default = false")]
public bool enableInvSquare = false;
[Tooltip("Change the sound from point source (0.0f) to a spherical volume, default = 0.0")]
[Range(0.0f, 1000.0f)]
public float volumetric = 0.0f;
[Tooltip("Set the near and far falloff value for the OSP attenuation curve, default = 1.0")]
[MinMax ( 1.0f, 25.0f, 0.0f, 250.0f )]
public Vector2 invSquareFalloff = new Vector2( 1.0f, 25.0f );
public class SoundFX {
public SoundFX() {
playback = SoundFXNext.Random;
volume = 1.0f;
pitchVariance = Vector2.one;
falloffDistance = new Vector2( 1.0f, 25.0f );
falloffCurve = AudioRolloffMode.Linear;
volumeFalloffCurve = new AnimationCurve( new Keyframe[2] { new Keyframe( 0f, 1.0f ), new Keyframe( 1f, 1f ) } );
reverbZoneMix = new AnimationCurve( new Keyframe[2] { new Keyframe( 0f, 1.0f ), new Keyframe( 1f, 1f ) } );
spread = 0.0f;
pctChanceToPlay = 1.0f;
priority = SoundPriority.Default;
delay = Vector2.zero;
looping = false;
ospProps = new OSPProps();
[Tooltip( "Each sound FX should have a unique name")]
public string name = string.Empty;
[Tooltip( "Sound diversity playback option when multiple audio clips are defined, default = Random")]
public SoundFXNext playback = SoundFXNext.Random;
[Tooltip( "Default volume for this sound FX, default = 1.0")]
[Range (0.0f, 1.0f)]
public float volume = 1.0f;
[Tooltip( "Random pitch variance each time a sound FX is played, default = 1.0 (none)")]
[MinMax ( 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 2.0f )]
public Vector2 pitchVariance = Vector2.one;
[Tooltip( "Falloff distance for the sound FX, default = 1m min to 25m max")]
[MinMax ( 1.0f, 25.0f, 0.0f, 250.0f )]
public Vector2 falloffDistance = new Vector2( 1.0f, 25.0f );
[Tooltip( "Volume falloff curve - sets how the sound FX attenuates over distance, default = Linear")]
public AudioRolloffMode falloffCurve = AudioRolloffMode.Linear;
[Tooltip( "Defines the custom volume falloff curve")]
public AnimationCurve volumeFalloffCurve = new AnimationCurve( new Keyframe[2] { new Keyframe( 0f, 1.0f ), new Keyframe( 1f, 1f ) } );
[Tooltip( "The amount by which the signal from the AudioSource will be mixed into the global reverb associated with the Reverb Zones | Valid range is 0.0 - 1.1, default = 1.0" )]
public AnimationCurve reverbZoneMix = new AnimationCurve( new Keyframe[2] { new Keyframe( 0f, 1.0f ), new Keyframe( 1f, 1f ) } );
[Tooltip( "Sets the spread angle (in degrees) of a 3d stereo or multichannel sound in speaker space, default = 0")]
[Range (0.0f, 360.0f)]
public float spread = 0.0f;
[Tooltip( "The percentage chance that this sound FX will play | 0.0 = none, 1.0 = 100%, default = 1.0")]
[Range (0.0f, 1.0f)]
public float pctChanceToPlay = 1.0f;
[Tooltip( "Sets the priority for this sound to play and/or to override a currently playing sound FX, default = Default")]
public SoundPriority priority = SoundPriority.Default;
[Tooltip( "Specifies the default delay when this sound FX is played, default = 0.0 secs")]
[MinMax ( 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 2.0f )]
public Vector2 delay = Vector2.zero; // this overrides any delay passed into PlaySound() or PlaySoundAt()
[Tooltip( "Set to true for the sound to loop continuously, default = false")]
public bool looping = false;
public OSPProps ospProps = new OSPProps();
[Tooltip( "List of the audio clips assigned to this sound FX")]
public AudioClip[] soundClips = new AudioClip[1];
// editor only - unfortunately if we set it not to serialize, we can't query it from the editor
public bool visibilityToggle = false;
// runtime vars
private SoundGroup soundGroup = null;
private int lastIdx = -1;
private int playingIdx = -1;
public int Length { get { return soundClips.Length; } }
public bool IsValid { get { return ( ( soundClips.Length != 0 ) && ( soundClips[0] != null ) ); } }
public SoundGroup Group { get { return soundGroup; } set { soundGroup = value; } }
public float MaxFalloffDistSquared { get { return falloffDistance.y * falloffDistance.y; } }
public float GroupVolumeOverride { get { return ( soundGroup != null ) ? soundGroup.volumeOverride : 1.0f; } }
public AudioClip GetClip() {
if ( soundClips.Length == 0 ) {
return null;
} else if ( soundClips.Length == 1 ) {
return soundClips[0];
if ( playback == SoundFXNext.Random ) {
// random, but don't pick the last one
int idx = Random.Range( 0, soundClips.Length );
while ( idx == lastIdx ) {
idx = Random.Range( 0, soundClips.Length );
lastIdx = idx;
return soundClips[idx];
} else {
// sequential
if ( ++lastIdx >= soundClips.Length ) {
lastIdx = 0;
return soundClips[lastIdx];
public AudioMixerGroup GetMixerGroup( AudioMixerGroup defaultMixerGroup ) {
if ( soundGroup != null ) {
return ( soundGroup.mixerGroup != null ) ? soundGroup.mixerGroup : defaultMixerGroup;
return defaultMixerGroup;
public bool ReachedGroupPlayLimit() {
if ( soundGroup != null ) {
return !soundGroup.CanPlaySound();
return false;
public float GetClipLength( int idx ) {
if ( ( idx == -1 ) || ( soundClips.Length == 0 ) || ( idx >= soundClips.Length ) || ( soundClips[idx] == null ) ) {
return 0.0f;
} else {
return soundClips[idx].length;
public float GetPitch() {
return Random.Range( pitchVariance.x, pitchVariance.y );
public int PlaySound( float delaySecs = 0.0f ) {
playingIdx = -1;
if ( !IsValid ) {
return playingIdx;
// check the random chance to play here to save the function calls
if ( ( pctChanceToPlay > 0.99f ) || ( Random.value < pctChanceToPlay ) ) {
if ( delay.y > 0.0f ) {
delaySecs = Random.Range( delay.x, delay.y );
playingIdx = AudioManager.PlaySound( this, EmitterChannel.Any, delaySecs );
return playingIdx;
public int PlaySoundAt( Vector3 pos, float delaySecs = 0.0f, float volumeOverride = 1.0f, float pitchMultiplier = 1.0f ) {
playingIdx = -1;
if ( !IsValid ) {
return playingIdx;
// check the random chance to play here to save the function calls
if ( ( pctChanceToPlay > 0.99f ) || ( Random.value < pctChanceToPlay ) ) {
if ( delay.y > 0.0f ) {
delaySecs = Random.Range( delay.x, delay.y );
playingIdx = AudioManager.PlaySoundAt( pos, this, EmitterChannel.Any, delaySecs, volumeOverride, pitchMultiplier );
return playingIdx;
get a callback when the sound is finished playing
public void SetOnFinished( System.Action onFinished ) {
if ( playingIdx > -1 ) {
AudioManager.SetOnFinished( playingIdx, onFinished );
get a callback with an object parameter when the sound is finished playing
public void SetOnFinished( System.Action<object> onFinished, object obj ) {
if ( playingIdx > -1 ) {
AudioManager.SetOnFinished( playingIdx, onFinished, obj );
public bool StopSound() {
bool stopped = false;
if (playingIdx > -1){
stopped = AudioManager.StopSound(playingIdx);
playingIdx = -1;
return stopped;
public void AttachToParent( Transform parent) {
if (playingIdx > -1) {
AudioManager.AttachSoundToParent(playingIdx, parent);
public void DetachFromParent() {
if (playingIdx > -1) {
} // namespace OVR