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2022-03-07 15:52:41 +00:00
Copyright : Copyright (c) Facebook Technologies, LLC and its affiliates. All rights reserved.
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using Oculus.Interaction.Input;
using UnityEngine;
namespace Oculus.Interaction.GrabAPI
public class FingerGrabAPI : IFingerAPI
private Vector3 _poseVolumeCenterOffset = Vector3.zero;
private Vector3 _poseVolumeCenter = Vector3.zero;
private static readonly float START_THRESHOLD = 0.75f;
private static readonly float RELEASE_THRESHOLD = 0.25f;
private static readonly float FINGER_TIP_RADIUS = 0.01f;
private static readonly float POSE_VOLUME_RADIUS = 0.05f;
private static readonly Vector3 POSE_VOLUME_OFFSET_RIGHT = new Vector3(0.07f, -0.03f, 0.0f);
private static readonly Vector3 POSE_VOLUME_OFFSET_LEFT = new Vector3(-0.07f, 0.03f, 0.0f);
private class FingerGrabData
private readonly HandJointId _tipId;
private Vector3 _tipPosition;
public float GrabStrength;
public bool IsGrabbing;
public bool IsGrabbingChanged;
public FingerGrabData(HandFinger fingerId)
_tipId = HandJointUtils.GetHandFingerTip(fingerId);
public void UpdateTipValues(IHand hand)
if (hand.GetJointPoseFromWrist(_tipId, out Pose pose))
_tipPosition = pose.position;
public void UpdateGrabStrength(Vector3 poseVolumeCenter)
float outsidePoseVolumeRadius = POSE_VOLUME_RADIUS + FINGER_TIP_RADIUS;
float insidePoseVolumeRadius = POSE_VOLUME_RADIUS - FINGER_TIP_RADIUS;
float sqrOutsidePoseVolume = outsidePoseVolumeRadius * outsidePoseVolumeRadius;
float sqrInsidePoseVolume = insidePoseVolumeRadius * insidePoseVolumeRadius;
float sqrDist = (poseVolumeCenter - _tipPosition).sqrMagnitude;
if (sqrDist >= sqrOutsidePoseVolume)
GrabStrength = 0.0f;
else if (sqrDist <= sqrInsidePoseVolume)
GrabStrength = 1.0f;
float distance = Mathf.Sqrt(sqrDist);
GrabStrength = 1.0f - Mathf.Clamp01(
(distance - insidePoseVolumeRadius) / (2.0f * FINGER_TIP_RADIUS));
public void UpdateIsGrabbing()
IsGrabbingChanged = false;
if (GrabStrength > START_THRESHOLD)
if (!IsGrabbing)
IsGrabbing = true;
IsGrabbingChanged = true;
if (GrabStrength < RELEASE_THRESHOLD)
if (IsGrabbing)
IsGrabbing = false;
IsGrabbingChanged = true;
private readonly FingerGrabData[] _fingersGrabData = {
new FingerGrabData(HandFinger.Thumb),
new FingerGrabData(HandFinger.Index),
new FingerGrabData(HandFinger.Middle),
new FingerGrabData(HandFinger.Ring),
new FingerGrabData(HandFinger.Pinky)
public bool GetFingerIsGrabbing(HandFinger finger)
return _fingersGrabData[(int)finger].IsGrabbing;
public bool GetFingerIsGrabbingChanged(HandFinger finger, bool targetGrabState)
return _fingersGrabData[(int)finger].IsGrabbingChanged &&
_fingersGrabData[(int)finger].IsGrabbing == targetGrabState;
public float GetFingerGrabStrength(HandFinger finger)
return _fingersGrabData[(int)finger].GrabStrength;
public Vector3 GetCenterOffset()
return _poseVolumeCenterOffset;
public void Update(IHand hand)
if (hand == null || !hand.IsTrackedDataValid)
for (int i = 0; i < Constants.NUM_FINGERS; ++i)
private void UpdateVolumeCenter(IHand hand)
if (!hand.GetJointPoseFromWrist(HandJointId.HandWristRoot, out var wristPose))
Matrix4x4 wristPoseMat = Matrix4x4.TRS(wristPose.position, wristPose.rotation, Vector3.one);
_poseVolumeCenterOffset = hand.Handedness == Handedness.Left
_poseVolumeCenter = wristPose.position +