
351 lines
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// @lint-ignore-every LICENSELINT
// Copyright Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
#pragma once
#include "CoreMinimal.h"
#include "UObject/ObjectMacros.h"
#include "Components/CapsuleComponent.h"
#include "Kismet/BlueprintFunctionLibrary.h"
#include "OculusXRInputFunctionLibrary.generated.h"
enum class EOculusXRHandType : uint8
enum class EOculusXRSide : uint8
None = 0,
Left = 1,
Right = 2,
const int EOculusXRSideCount = 3;
enum class EOculusXRTrackingConfidence : uint8
enum class EOculusXRFinger : uint8
* EOculusXRBone is enum representing the Bone Ids that come from the Oculus Runtime.
enum class EOculusXRBone : uint8
Wrist_Root UMETA(DisplayName = "Wrist Root"),
Hand_Start = Wrist_Root UMETA(DisplayName = "Hand Start"),
Forearm_Stub UMETA(DisplayName = "Forearm Stub"),
Thumb_0 UMETA(DisplayName = "Thumb0"),
Thumb_1 UMETA(DisplayName = "Thumb1"),
Thumb_2 UMETA(DisplayName = "Thumb2"),
Thumb_3 UMETA(DisplayName = "Thumb3"),
Index_1 UMETA(DisplayName = "Index1"),
Index_2 UMETA(DisplayName = "Index2"),
Index_3 UMETA(DisplayName = "Index3"),
Middle_1 UMETA(DisplayName = "Middle1"),
Middle_2 UMETA(DisplayName = "Middle2"),
Middle_3 UMETA(DisplayName = "Middle3"),
Ring_1 UMETA(DisplayName = "Ring1"),
Ring_2 UMETA(DisplayName = "Ring2"),
Ring_3 UMETA(DisplayName = "Ring3"),
Pinky_0 UMETA(DisplayName = "Pinky0"),
Pinky_1 UMETA(DisplayName = "Pinky1"),
Pinky_2 UMETA(DisplayName = "Pinky2"),
Pinky_3 UMETA(DisplayName = "Pinky3"),
Thumb_Tip UMETA(DisplayName = "Thumb Tip"),
Max_Skinnable = Thumb_Tip UMETA(DisplayName = "Max Skinnable"),
Index_Tip UMETA(DisplayName = "Index Tip"),
Middle_Tip UMETA(DisplayName = "Middle Tip"),
Ring_Tip UMETA(DisplayName = "Ring Tip"),
Pinky_Tip UMETA(DisplayName = "Pinky Tip"),
Hand_End UMETA(DisplayName = "Hand End"),
Bone_Max = Hand_End UMETA(DisplayName = "Hand Max"),
Invalid UMETA(DisplayName = "Invalid")
/** Defines the haptics location of controller hands for tracking. */
enum class EOculusXRHandHapticsLocation : uint8
Hand = 0, // Haptics is applied to the whole controller
Thumb, // Haptics is applied to the thumb finger location
Index, // Haptics is applied to the index finger location
HandHapticsLocation_Count UMETA(Hidden, DisplayName = "<INVALID>"),
/** Define how a controllers button touches will be used to generate a hand pose. */
enum class EOculusXRControllerDrivenHandPoseTypes : uint8
None = 0, // Controllers do not generate any hand poses.
Natural, // Controller button inputs will be used to generate a normal hand pose.
Controller, // Controller button inputs will be used to generate a hand pose holding a controller.
const int EOculusXRControllerDrivenHandPoseTypesCount = 3;
struct FOculusXRHapticsDesc
EOculusXRHandHapticsLocation ILocation = EOculusXRHandHapticsLocation::Hand,
bool bIAppend = false)
: Location(ILocation), bAppend(bIAppend)
void Restart()
Location = EOculusXRHandHapticsLocation::Hand;
bAppend = false;
EOculusXRHandHapticsLocation Location;
bool bAppend;
* FOculusXRCapsuleCollider is a struct that contains information on the physics/collider capsules created by the runtime for hands.
* @var Capsule The UCapsuleComponent that is the collision capsule on the bone. Use this to register for overlap/collision events
* @var BoneIndex The Bone that this collision capsule is parented to. Corresponds to the EOculusXRBone enum.
struct OCULUSXRINPUT_API FOculusXRCapsuleCollider
UPROPERTY(BlueprintReadOnly, Category = "OculusLibrary|HandTracking")
UCapsuleComponent* Capsule = nullptr;
UPROPERTY(BlueprintReadOnly, Category = "OculusLibrary|HandTracking")
EOculusXRBone BoneId = EOculusXRBone::Wrist_Root;
class OCULUSXRINPUT_API UOculusXRInputFunctionLibrary : public UBlueprintFunctionLibrary
UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "OculusLibrary|HandTracking")
static EOculusXRFinger ConvertBoneToFinger(const EOculusXRBone Bone);
DECLARE_MULTICAST_DELEGATE_FourParams(FHandMovementFilterDelegate, EControllerHand, FVector*, FRotator*, bool*);
static FHandMovementFilterDelegate HandMovementFilter; /// Called to modify Hand position and orientation whenever it is queried
* Creates a new runtime hand skeletal mesh.
* @param HandSkeletalMesh (out) Skeletal Mesh object that will be used for the runtime hand mesh
* @param SkeletonType (in) The skeleton type that will be used for generating the hand bones
* @param MeshType (in) The mesh type that will be used for generating the hand mesh
* @param WorldTometers (in) Optional change to the world to meters conversion value
UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "OculusLibrary|HandTracking")
static bool GetHandSkeletalMesh(USkeletalMesh* HandSkeletalMesh, EOculusXRHandType SkeletonType, EOculusXRHandType MeshType, const float WorldToMeters = 100.0f);
* Initializes physics capsules for collision and physics on the runtime mesh
* @param SkeletonType (in) The skeleton type that will be used to generated the capsules
* @param HandComponent (in) The skinned mesh component that the capsules will be attached to
* @param WorldTometers (in) Optional change to the world to meters conversion value
UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "OculusLibrary|HandTracking")
static TArray<FOculusXRCapsuleCollider> InitializeHandPhysics(EOculusXRHandType SkeletonType, USkinnedMeshComponent* HandComponent, const float WorldToMeters = 100.0f);
* Get the rotation of a specific bone
* @param DeviceHand (in) The hand to get the rotations from
* @param BoneId (in) The specific bone to get the rotation from
* @param ControllerIndex (in) Optional different controller index
UFUNCTION(BlueprintPure, Category = "OculusLibrary|HandTracking")
static FQuat GetBoneRotation(const EOculusXRHandType DeviceHand, const EOculusXRBone BoneId, const int32 ControllerIndex = 0);
* Get the pointer pose
* @param DeviceHand (in) The hand to get the pointer pose from
* @param ControllerIndex (in) Optional different controller index
UFUNCTION(BlueprintPure, Category = "OculusLibrary|HandTracking")
static FTransform GetPointerPose(const EOculusXRHandType DeviceHand, const int32 ControllerIndex = 0);
* Check if the pointer pose is a valid pose
* @param DeviceHand (in) The hand to get the pointer status from
* @param ControllerIndex (in) Optional different controller index
UFUNCTION(BlueprintPure, Category = "OculusLibrary|HandTracking")
static bool IsPointerPoseValid(const EOculusXRHandType DeviceHand, const int32 ControllerIndex = 0);
* Get the tracking confidence of the hand
* @param DeviceHand (in) The hand to get tracking confidence of
* @param ControllerIndex (in) Optional different controller index
UFUNCTION(BlueprintPure, Category = "OculusLibrary|HandTracking")
static EOculusXRTrackingConfidence GetTrackingConfidence(const EOculusXRHandType DeviceHand, const int32 ControllerIndex = 0);
* Get the tracking confidence of a finger
* @param DeviceHand (in) The hand to get tracking confidence of
* @param ControllerIndex (in) Optional different controller index
* @param Finger (in) The finger to get tracking confidence of
UFUNCTION(BlueprintPure, Category = "OculusLibrary|HandTracking")
static EOculusXRTrackingConfidence GetFingerTrackingConfidence(const EOculusXRHandType DeviceHand, const EOculusXRFinger Finger, const int32 ControllerIndex = 0);
* Get the scale of the hand
* @param DeviceHand (in) The hand to get scale of
* @param ControllerIndex (in) Optional different controller index
UFUNCTION(BlueprintPure, Category = "OculusLibrary|HandTracking")
static float GetHandScale(const EOculusXRHandType DeviceHand, const int32 ControllerIndex = 0);
* Get the user's dominant hand
* @param ControllerIndex (in) Optional different controller index
UFUNCTION(BlueprintPure, Category = "OculusLibrary|HandTracking")
static EOculusXRHandType GetDominantHand(const int32 ControllerIndex = 0);
* Check if hand tracking is enabled currently
UFUNCTION(BlueprintPure, Category = "OculusLibrary|HandTracking")
static bool IsHandTrackingEnabled();
* Check if the hand position is valid
* @param DeviceHand (in) The hand to get the position from
* @param ControllerIndex (in) Optional different controller index
UFUNCTION(BlueprintPure, Category = "OculusLibrary|HandTracking")
static bool IsHandPositionValid(const EOculusXRHandType DeviceHand, const int32 ControllerIndex = 0);
* Get the bone name from the bone index
* @param BoneIndex (in) Bone index to get the name of
UFUNCTION(BlueprintPure, Category = "OculusLibrary|HandTracking")
static FString GetBoneName(EOculusXRBone BoneId);
* Play a haptic feedback curve on the player's controller with location support.
* The curve data will be sampled and sent to controller to vibrate a specific location at each frame.
* @param HapticEffect The haptic effect to play
* @param Hand Which hand to play the effect on
* @param Location Which hand location to play the effect on
* @param Scale Scale between 0.0 and 1.0 on the intensity of playback
UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "OculusLibrary|Controller")
static void PlayCurveHapticEffect(class UHapticFeedbackEffect_Curve* HapticEffect, EControllerHand Hand, EOculusXRHandHapticsLocation Location = EOculusXRHandHapticsLocation::Hand, float Scale = 1.f, bool bLoop = false);
* Play a haptic feedback buffer on the player's controller with location support.
* In each frame, the buffer data will be sampled and the individual sampled data will be sent to controller to vibrate a specific location.
* @param HapticEffect The haptic effect to play
* @param Hand Which hand to play the effect on
* @param Location Which hand location to play the effect on
* @param Scale Scale between 0.0 and 1.0 on the intensity of playback
UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "OculusLibrary|Controller")
static void PlayBufferHapticEffect(class UHapticFeedbackEffect_Buffer* HapticEffect, EControllerHand Hand, EOculusXRHandHapticsLocation Location = EOculusXRHandHapticsLocation::Hand, float Scale = 1.f, bool bLoop = false);
* Play a haptic feedback buffer on the player's controller.
* All buffer data will be sent to controller together in one frame.
* Data duration should be no greater than controller's maximum haptics duration which can be queried with GetMaxHapticDuration.
* @param HapticEffect The haptic effect to play
* @param Hand Which hand to play the effect on
UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "OculusLibrary|Controller")
static void PlayAmplitudeEnvelopeHapticEffect(class UHapticFeedbackEffect_Buffer* HapticEffect, EControllerHand Hand);
* Play a haptic feedback soundwave on the player's controller.
* In each frame, the soundwave data will be split into a batch of data and sent to controller.
* The data duration of each frame is equal to controller's maximum haptics duration which can be queried with GetMaxHapticDuration.
* @param HapticEffect The haptic effect to play
* @param Hand Which hand to play the effect on
* @param bAppend False: any existing samples will be cleared and a new haptic effect will begin; True: samples will be appended to the currently playing effect
* @param Scale Scale between 0.0 and 1.0 on the intensity of playback
UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "OculusLibrary|Controller")
static void PlaySoundWaveHapticEffect(class UHapticFeedbackEffect_SoundWave* HapticEffect, EControllerHand Hand, bool bAppend = false, float Scale = 1.f, bool bLoop = false);
* Stops a playing haptic feedback curve at a specific location.
* @param HapticEffect The haptic effect to stop
* @param Hand Which hand to stop the effect for
* @param Location Which hand location to play the effect on
UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "OculusLibrary|Controller")
static void StopHapticEffect(EControllerHand Hand, EOculusXRHandHapticsLocation Location = EOculusXRHandHapticsLocation::Hand);
* Set the value of the haptics for the specified hand and location directly, using frequency and amplitude. NOTE: If a curve is already
* playing for this hand, it will be cancelled in favour of the specified values.
* @param Frequency The normalized frequency [0.0, 1.0] to play through the haptics system
* @param Amplitude The normalized amplitude [0.0, 1.0] to set the haptic feedback to
* @param Hand Which hand to play the effect on
* @param Location Which hand location to play the effect on
UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "OculusLibrary|Controller")
static void SetHapticsByValue(const float Frequency, const float Amplitude, EControllerHand Hand, EOculusXRHandHapticsLocation Location = EOculusXRHandHapticsLocation::Hand);
* Get the controller haptics sample rate.
* @param Hand Which hand to play the effect on
UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "OculusLibrary|Controller")
static float GetControllerSampleRateHz(EControllerHand Hand);
* Get the maximum duration (in seconds) that the controller haptics can handle each time.
* @param Hand Which hand to play the effect on
UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "OculusLibrary|Controller")
static int GetMaxHapticDuration(EControllerHand Hand);
* Set if / how controller inputs are used to build a syntheic hand pose.
* @param Type How the hand should be posed.
UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "OculusLibrary|Controller")
static void SetControllerDrivenHandPoses(EOculusXRControllerDrivenHandPoseTypes Type);