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Raw Normal View History

2024-05-29 08:53:41 +00:00
// @lint-ignore-every LICENSELINT
// Copyright Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
#pragma once
#include "UObject/ObjectMacros.h"
#include "OculusXRMR_Settings.generated.h"
enum class EOculusXRMR_CameraDeviceEnum : uint8 // Deprecated
CD_None_DEPRECATED UMETA(DisplayName = "None"),
CD_WebCamera0_DEPRECATED UMETA(DisplayName = "Web Camera 0"),
CD_WebCamera1_DEPRECATED UMETA(DisplayName = "Web Camera 1"),
enum class EOculusXRMR_ClippingReference : uint8
CR_TrackingReference UMETA(DisplayName = "Tracking Reference"),
CR_Head UMETA(DisplayName = "Head"),
enum class EOculusXRMR_PostProcessEffects : uint8
PPE_Off UMETA(DisplayName = "Off"),
PPE_On UMETA(DisplayName = "On"),
enum class EOculusXRMR_CompositionMethod : uint8
/* Generate both foreground and background views for compositing with 3rd-party software like OBS. */
ExternalComposition UMETA(DisplayName = "External Composition"),
/* (Deprecated) Composite the camera stream directly to the output with the proper depth.*/
DirectComposition_DEPRECATED UMETA(DisplayName = "Direct Composition (DEPRECATED)")
UCLASS(ClassGroup = OculusXRMR, Blueprintable)
class UOculusXRMR_Settings : public UObject
UOculusXRMR_Settings(const FObjectInitializer& ObjectInitializer);
/** Specify the distance to the camera which divide the background and foreground in MxR casting.
* Set it to CR_TrackingReference to use the distance to the Tracking Reference, which works better
* in the stationary experience. Set it to CR_Head would use the distance to the HMD, which works better
* in the room scale experience.
UPROPERTY(Category = MetaXR, EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite)
EOculusXRMR_ClippingReference ClippingReference;
/** The casting viewports would use the same resolution of the camera which used in the calibration process. */
UPROPERTY(Category = MetaXR, EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite)
bool bUseTrackedCameraResolution;
/** When bUseTrackedCameraResolution is false, the width of each casting viewport */
UPROPERTY(Category = MetaXR, EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite)
int WidthPerView;
/** When bUseTrackedCameraResolution is false, the height of each casting viewport */
UPROPERTY(Category = MetaXR, EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite)
int HeightPerView;
/** When CompositionMethod is External Composition, the latency of the casting output which could be adjusted to
* match the camera latency in the external composition application */
UPROPERTY(Category = MetaXR, EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, meta = (UIMin = "0.0", UIMax = "0.1"))
float CastingLatency;
/** When CompositionMethod is External Composition, the color of the backdrop in the foreground view */
UPROPERTY(Category = MetaXR, EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite)
FColor BackdropColor;
/** When CompositionMethod is Direct Composition, you could adjust this latency to delay the virtual
* hand movement by a small amount of time to match the camera latency */
UPROPERTY(meta = (DeprecatedProperty, DeprecationMessage = "Direct Composition deprecated."))
float HandPoseStateLatency_DEPRECATED;
/** [Green-screen removal] Chroma Key Color. Apply when CompositionMethod is DirectComposition */
UPROPERTY(meta = (DeprecatedProperty, DeprecationMessage = "Direct Composition deprecated."))
FColor ChromaKeyColor_DEPRECATED;
/** [Green-screen removal] Chroma Key Similarity. Apply when CompositionMethod is DirectComposition */
UPROPERTY(meta = (DeprecatedProperty, DeprecationMessage = "Direct Composition deprecated."))
float ChromaKeySimilarity_DEPRECATED;
/** [Green-screen removal] Chroma Key Smooth Range. Apply when CompositionMethod is DirectComposition */
UPROPERTY(meta = (DeprecatedProperty, DeprecationMessage = "Direct Composition deprecated."))
float ChromaKeySmoothRange_DEPRECATED;
/** [Green-screen removal] Chroma Key Spill Range. Apply when CompositionMethod is DirectComposition */
UPROPERTY(meta = (DeprecatedProperty, DeprecationMessage = "Direct Composition deprecated."))
float ChromaKeySpillRange_DEPRECATED;
/** Set the amount of post process effects in the MR view for external composition */
UPROPERTY(Category = MetaXR, EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite)
EOculusXRMR_PostProcessEffects ExternalCompositionPostProcessEffects;
/** ExternalComposition: The casting window includes the background and foreground view
* DirectComposition: The game scene would be composited with the camera frame directly
UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = MetaXR)
EOculusXRMR_CompositionMethod GetCompositionMethod() { return CompositionMethod; }
/** ExternalComposition: The casting window includes the background and foreground view
* DirectComposition: The game scene would be composited with the camera frame directly
UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = MetaXR)
void SetCompositionMethod(EOculusXRMR_CompositionMethod val);
/** When CompositionMethod is DirectComposition, the physical camera device which provide the frame */
UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = MetaXR, meta = (DeprecatedFunction, DeprecationMessage = "Direct Composition deprecated."))
EOculusXRMR_CameraDeviceEnum GetCapturingCamera() { return EOculusXRMR_CameraDeviceEnum::CD_None_DEPRECATED; }
/** When CompositionMethod is DirectComposition, the physical camera device which provide the frame */
UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = MetaXR, meta = (DeprecatedFunction, DeprecationMessage = "Direct Composition deprecated."))
void SetCapturingCamera(EOculusXRMR_CameraDeviceEnum val);
/** Is MRC on and off */
UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = MetaXR)
bool GetIsCasting() { return bIsCasting; }
/** Turns MRC on and off */
UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = MetaXR)
void SetIsCasting(bool val);
/** Bind the casting camera to the calibrated external camera.
* (Requires a calibrated external camera)
UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = MetaXR)
void BindToTrackedCameraIndexIfAvailable(int InTrackedCameraIndex);
UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = MetaXR)
int GetBindToTrackedCameraIndex() { return BindToTrackedCameraIndex; }
/** Load settings from the config file */
UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = MetaXR)
void LoadFromIni();
/** Save settings to the config file */
UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = MetaXR)
void SaveToIni() const;
/** Turns MRC on and off (does not get saved to or loaded from ini) */
bool bIsCasting;
/** ExternalComposition: The casting window includes the background and foreground view
* DirectComposition: The game scene would be composited with the camera frame directly
EOculusXRMR_CompositionMethod CompositionMethod;
/** When CompositionMethod is DirectComposition, the physical camera device which provide the frame */
UPROPERTY(meta = (DeprecatedProperty, DeprecationMessage = "Direct Composition deprecated."))
EOculusXRMR_CameraDeviceEnum CapturingCamera_DEPRECATED;
/** Tracked camera that we want to bind the in-game MR camera to*/
int BindToTrackedCameraIndex;
DECLARE_DELEGATE_TwoParams(OnCompositionMethodChangeDelegate, EOculusXRMR_CompositionMethod, EOculusXRMR_CompositionMethod);
DECLARE_DELEGATE_TwoParams(OnBooleanSettingChangeDelegate, bool, bool);
DECLARE_DELEGATE_TwoParams(OnIntegerSettingChangeDelegate, int, int);
OnIntegerSettingChangeDelegate TrackedCameraIndexChangeDelegate;
OnCompositionMethodChangeDelegate CompositionMethodChangeDelegate;
OnBooleanSettingChangeDelegate IsCastingChangeDelegate;
// Give the OculusXRMR module access to the delegates so that
friend class FOculusXRMRModule;