
146 lines
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// @lint-ignore-every LICENSELINT
// Copyright Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
#pragma once
#include "IOculusXRInputModule.h"
#include "OculusXRHMDModule.h"
#include "GenericPlatform/IInputInterface.h"
#include "XRMotionControllerBase.h"
#include "IHapticDevice.h"
#include "OculusXRInputState.h"
#pragma pack(push, 8)
#include "OculusXRPluginWrapper.h"
#pragma pack(pop)
class UHapticFeedbackEffect_Base;
struct FActiveHapticFeedbackEffect;
struct FOculusXRHapticsDesc;
namespace OculusXRInput
// FOculusXRInput
class FOculusXRInput : public IInputDevice, public FXRMotionControllerBase, public IHapticDevice
friend class FOculusHandTracking;
/** Constructor that takes an initial message handler that will receive motion controller events */
FOculusXRInput(const TSharedRef<FGenericApplicationMessageHandler>& InMessageHandler);
/** Clean everything up */
virtual ~FOculusXRInput();
static void PreInit();
/** Loads any settings from the config folder that we need */
static void LoadConfig();
// IInputDevice overrides
virtual void Tick(float DeltaTime) override;
virtual void SendControllerEvents() override;
virtual void SetMessageHandler(const TSharedRef<FGenericApplicationMessageHandler>& InMessageHandler) override;
virtual bool Exec(UWorld* InWorld, const TCHAR* Cmd, FOutputDevice& Ar) override;
virtual void SetChannelValue(int32 ControllerId, FForceFeedbackChannelType ChannelType, float Value) override;
virtual void SetChannelValues(int32 ControllerId, const FForceFeedbackValues& Values) override;
virtual bool SupportsForceFeedback(int32 ControllerId) override;
// IMotionController overrides
virtual FName GetMotionControllerDeviceTypeName() const override;
virtual bool GetControllerOrientationAndPosition(const int32 ControllerIndex, const EControllerHand DeviceHand, FRotator& OutOrientation, FVector& OutPosition, float WorldToMetersScale) const override;
virtual ETrackingStatus GetControllerTrackingStatus(const int32 ControllerIndex, const EControllerHand DeviceHand) const override;
virtual bool GetControllerOrientationAndPosition(const int32 ControllerIndex, const FName MotionSource, FRotator& OutOrientation, FVector& OutPosition, float WorldToMetersScale) const override;
virtual ETrackingStatus GetControllerTrackingStatus(const int32 ControllerIndex, const FName MotionSource) const override;
// IHapticDevice overrides
IHapticDevice* GetHapticDevice() override { return (IHapticDevice*)this; }
virtual void SetHapticFeedbackValues(int32 ControllerId, int32 Hand, const FHapticFeedbackValues& Values) override;
void PlayHapticEffect(
UHapticFeedbackEffect_Base* HapticEffect,
EControllerHand Hand,
EOculusXRHandHapticsLocation Location = EOculusXRHandHapticsLocation::Hand,
bool bAppend = false,
float Scale = 1.f,
bool bLoop = false);
int PlayHapticEffect(EControllerHand Hand, int SamplesCount, void* Samples, int SampleRate = -1, bool bPCM = false, bool bAppend = false);
void SetHapticsByValue(float Frequency, float Amplitude, EControllerHand Hand, EOculusXRHandHapticsLocation Location = EOculusXRHandHapticsLocation::Hand);
virtual void GetHapticFrequencyRange(float& MinFrequency, float& MaxFrequency) const override;
virtual float GetHapticAmplitudeScale() const override;
uint32 GetNumberOfTouchControllers() const;
uint32 GetNumberOfHandControllers() const;
float GetControllerSampleRateHz(EControllerHand Hand);
int GetMaxHapticDuration(EControllerHand Hand);
/** Applies force feedback settings to the controller */
void UpdateForceFeedback(const FOculusControllerPair& ControllerPair, const EControllerHand Hand);
bool OnControllerButtonPressed(const FOculusButtonState& ButtonState, FPlatformUserId UserId, FInputDeviceId DeviceId, bool IsRepeat);
bool OnControllerButtonReleased(const FOculusButtonState& ButtonState, FPlatformUserId UserId, FInputDeviceId DeviceId, bool IsRepeat);
void SetHapticFeedbackValues(int32 ControllerId, int32 Hand, const FHapticFeedbackValues& Values, TSharedPtr<FOculusXRHapticsDesc> HapticsDesc);
ovrpHapticsLocation GetOVRPHapticsLocation(EOculusXRHandHapticsLocation InLocation);
void ProcessHaptics(const float DeltaTime);
bool GetOvrpHapticsDesc(int Hand);
/** The recipient of motion controller input events */
TSharedPtr<FGenericApplicationMessageHandler> MessageHandler;
/** List of the connected pairs of controllers, with state for each controller device */
TArray<FOculusControllerPair> ControllerPairs;
FOculusRemoteControllerState Remote;
ovrpHapticsDesc OvrpHapticsDesc;
int LocalTrackingSpaceRecenterCount;
// Maintain a cache of resampled raw data so we don't resample it on every play. This is a map of OriginalRawData pointers, used only as a key, to ResampledRawData buffers.
// The values are pointers because the map could be reallocated and we cache raw pointers to the uint8 array data elsewhere.
TMap<const uint8*, TSharedPtr<TArray<uint8>>> ResampledRawDataCache;
TSharedPtr<FActiveHapticFeedbackEffect> ActiveHapticEffect_Left;
TSharedPtr<FActiveHapticFeedbackEffect> ActiveHapticEffect_Right;
TSharedPtr<FOculusXRHapticsDesc> HapticsDesc_Left;
TSharedPtr<FOculusXRHapticsDesc> HapticsDesc_Right;
double StartTime = 0.0;
/** Threshold for treating trigger pulls as button presses, from 0.0 to 1.0 */
static float TriggerThreshold;
/** Are Remote keys mapped to gamepad or not. */
static bool bRemoteKeysMappedToGamepad;
/** Repeat key delays, loaded from config */
static float InitialButtonRepeatDelay;
static float ButtonRepeatDelay;
static bool bPulledHapticsDesc;
} // namespace OculusXRInput